
Sunday, February 25, 2024

Footsore Arab Spearmen - Outremer States.

The Crusaders need someone to ride down.... after a couple of evening sessions the Arab Spearmen finally clear the paint table.

The garish colours once based and given a Army Paint Flesh wash blend rather well together, lovely castings as always from the guys over at Footsore so much character in their sculpts.

Still a little on the cold side for a matt varnish but that will help take the shine off the shields and help protect the decals - so much easier than trying to hand paint the shields with Islamic script.

Whilst it's take a little more time far better to get all the spearmen completed on in one group, with two groups of 8 and 4 swordsmen it gives me plenty of options on the table.

I have mixed the colours across the spearmen so they should come across as non-uniformed vs the more orderly Christian forces, although the pilgrims will be in a dull mix of browns and greens..

Really pleased how these have turned out itching to get them on the table top but will certainly need some better armoured support to stand up to the Knights Templar.

Nice to get a mention in the Footsore News letter this morning.
High praise in need given the quality of the painting on the Baron's War Facebook group no pressure to the get the rest of the Kickstarter complete then.

The Outremer Fortified Hospital is up for auction on e-bay - not yet available on the Footsore site.
As much as I would love to get it made and painted the projects are backing up - Still in the box the Kickstarter came in.
Original price £200.00 but all reasonable offers considered.


  1. Nice work Stu and well done on the "official" recognition and accolades! that model of the fort looks fantastic - are you SURE you should be letting it go??!

    1. Several factors really Keith, assembly, painting and storage for starters and then when I compare it to my village the walls were simply not high enough :-)
      Now plenty of funds for the next projects.

  2. Excellent work there Stu and as you say, shield transfers really make a big difference to how figures look there days:).
