
Thursday, March 07, 2024

WMMS Prep - The Battle for Fort Nibeiwa Dec 1940

Nothing focuses the painting activity like a show and deadline, we had a run through a few weeks ago and felt we needed a few more Matildas for the Commonwealth forces, so we all chipped in to bolster the numbers.

Rather worrying we now have a over 10 for the forthcoming battle, the Italians will really have their work cut out, if of course they can raise themselves from their beds to even get to the trenches.

I might have got a little carried away and added a Cruiser for good measure. 

I read some of the reports that the Indian 7th Rajput Regiment followed on the initial assault in trucks, so a good excuse to add some transports to the allied forces, I did think about adding more markings but figured more generic trucks could be used for any side if required.

All 3D prints from the guys at 3D Printing Valley | eBay Stores
Well worth a visit great detail and most of the vehicles come printed in a single piece.

Now back to the Crusades......


  1. Hmmmmm - that sounds like A LOT of heavy British tanks, Stu - I hope you are not stacking the games against the Italians?!
    All the 3d models look great, BTW.

  2. Nice addtions to your force and the quality of 3D prints is just coming on leaps and bounds:).

    1. Very impressed and great value for money Steve.

  3. Lots of great looking units!
