
Friday, August 23, 2024

Wyre Forest Gamers - Pacific Landing - Rapid Fire.

One of the things about club gaming is the ability to put on that BIG game outside of the limits of gaming at home.....

What a fantastic table to play on.... John at the club really does like to do things on the grand scale.

US Marine forces look to storm the beaches and push in land but where were the Japanese?  Apart from the occasion artillery round the US had it their own way as they started to push through the jungle terrain.

The big reveal, bunkers and pill boxes littered the dense jungle and poured fire into the advancing US forces.

From further back Artillery pounded the advancing troops.

Fearing the tide was turning against them armour was called forward as the second wave had landed on the beach.

We had planned for that and with clear fields of fire hit the advancing armour with hidden anti-tank guns.... Despite being heavily out numbered as the defenders we were feeling pretty happy with our defensive positions.

However over time one by one our positions were ground down, we had one more throw of the dice and a large infantry attack if we could punch through to the beach we might be able to slow the US advance.

Despite over running the company HQ and destroying another tank, we were a spent force.... Time to retreat inland and the next line of defences.

A great looking game and fun to play, played using Rapid Fire V3 which made for a fast game given the numbers involved but they did leave a feel a little too thin for me, in other rule sets the US should have been pinned or forced to ground and given some of the various ambush and kills we inflicted on them. There are other rules that perhaps give a better feel but you would have been playing a lot longer to get a similar result.

The shortening of the rule book from previous versions perhaps leaves gaps in the understanding, but given the number of ambushes and the human wave attacks they are not a typical occurrence in every game so it's not surprising you players have to work out what might feel right in working this element out.

But at £5 a set very good value for money verse others on the market. If you want lots of toys on the table and plenty of action I can see the appeal.


  1. I know the rules have gained lots of traction these past few years, but they're not for me, with BKCII ticking all the boxes as far as I'm concerned. But the game is visually superb and loads of ideas for terrain for when I finally get around to some Pacific theatre games...

  2. What a fabulous looking table Stuart! Niggle about the rules aside, that must have been a blast.

  3. Looks fantastic Stu and seemed quite a realistic result to me - at the end of the day, the Japanese never successfully defended a pacific island against the American assault forces!
    This link to the Glasgow Warhog blog may be of interest....

  4. A very impressive looking battle …..lots to love 👍
