
Sunday, July 27, 2014

Egyptian Trade Goods - "Ahlan wa sahlan"

Now this is exactly what I was talking about, I picked up a number of market stalls from the miniature building authority last July. (see here)

The plan was to create an Arab market for the French in Egypt campaign, I needed to expand on these with various market goods, Anisty do a great range, even if I had to paint the apples as oranges.

Having purchased them at one of the trade shows, they sat in a box for 12 long months under coated but not finished.

Ridiculous they only took a Saturday.....

Brigade Games Frenchman tours a market battering with a Mega Minis stall holder.

"Oranges only 2 Sous"


  1. Did the job just fine Stu. Your stalls are nice too.

  2. A nice collection of wares!

  3. Excellent looking terrain, Stu. You certainly pushed through it in record time with fantastic results.

  4. It's amazing how quickly stuff can get painted once you're in the mood. BTW they do look the business:).

  5. Superb, bet you wish you started them earlier!

  6. 'ere, this bloke won't haggle...

  7. Thanks Chaps, the project continues.
