
Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Bridge Over the Wislonka October 1914 AAR#2 From Empire to Revolution

It's taken a few weeks to get a game in, but with Chris Stoesen's supplement to the WWI rules "Through the Mud & the Blood" recently hitting the shelves, it seemed more than a reasonable excuse to put a game on.
SCENARIO TWO - Bridge Over the Wislonka - October 1914
Early in the war, V Corps of the Austro‐Hungarian Empire was engaged with the Russian Empire along the borders. In early October, Infantry Regiment “Schikofsky”, Number 83, part of the 33rd Division of V Corps, moved against the village Borki that was 25km South‐West of the mouth of the River Wisloka.
The Austrian's were tasked with seizing the bridge at Wislonka.

The Russians positioned half their forces on the Eastern bank, their object was simply to hold at least one end of the bridge before the end of the evening.

Positioning a squad behind a makeshift barricade they hoped to dominate the main approach to the bridge before the Austrians could deploy their numbers.

The Austrian blinds are unmasked and advance rapidly against the defenders.

First blood to the Russians, but it is not enough as the Austrian CO, triggers 3 units who all pour fire into the defenders.

Shock starts to mount on the Russian side.

The Russians fall back, with no defences to shield them a further round of fire see's them flee the table.

The Austrian's with their gander up, rush round the corner of the barn and charge the Russian defenders in the flank, but the Russian's like nothing more than a good bayonet fight and send the Austrian's packing....

More Russians arrive from the Western bank and march across the bridge to enter the fray.

The reinforcements are met with a withering fire, from 4 Austrian and German units and are soon heading back from where they came, leaving only the defenders from the field to hold the line.

Odds of 5:1, this was not the plan.

The Austrian's flank the Russian defenders coming at them through the orchard and chase them from the field, an Austrian victory, history repeats itself......

A great well balanced scenario, nice to be able to field the correct forces and give my RJW Russian's some extra combat experience.
1 Scenario down 15 to go.....


  1. Thanks for this great bat rep and these pictures. The figures and the tabletop look great. I am a fan of Chris' scenario books and am very tempted by his WW1 book, provided I could find Eastern Front WW1 pictures in 15mm. Any suggestions? Your Tsuba figures are all 28mm, I think?

    1. Peter Pig do both Russians and Austrians that work for the whole war. There are some others that do Russians. Minifigs and Blood Axe come to mind but I am not a fan of them. All mine are Peter Pig at the moment.

    2. Michael yes the Russians are largely Tsuba with a couple from Musketeer.

  2. Great pictures of your game- I'll add the scenario pack to my 'to- get' list to get some use out of my 20mm plastics.



  3. Well done. Nice table as well. Glad you enjoyed the scenario.

    1. Chris thanks for putting together, I hope I have not given to much away... :-)

    2. Not at all. I love it. I am very happy to see it being played.

    3. Just planning the next out now.... :-)
      I little short on cavalry through.

  4. Lovely little game and I'm now contemplating getting the book:)

    1. Steve don't delay - buy today :-)

  5. Very nice report and reminds me of my own slumbering eastern front prject.

    1. Moiterei hopefully Chris suppliment will raise the profile of the Eastern Front.
