
Friday, January 27, 2012

Creating a participation game Part 3

A day to go and I think we are there.

Having run through the game on a couple of occasions, I have made a couple of tweaks to the running of the game. The plan is not to tell the players that they are competing against one another.

I have completed the latest releases from Empress, these mounted Infantry will represent the Natal Troopers escorting Louis and will help separate the officers from the troopers, I can't be sure from the research how the Natal Horse Troopers were dressed, but the red tunics give that Hollywood feel which hopefully will appeal to players without the detailed historical knowledge.


Cpt Carey & the Prince Imperial.



For the senior NCO's I will be using the Natal Mounted Police Troopers to be easily identifyable from the troopers.


To represent the Officers bivouac camp I have the tents completed, I should only need one.

I have painted up several mounts to represent the dimounted characters horses, I have also painted up a couple of dead markers should the mounts be killed.



We are using a cut down version of the Too Fat Lardies Sharp Practice Rules, we felt that players would need to reminded of the basic's, so I have photographed the figures and will attach them to reference sheets, with details of the movement and weapon ranges.

Handouts and rule summaries will be needed together with some spare measurement tapes.

Plenty to do before the show date of the Sunday 29th January.


  1. I have these on the work bench but you beat me to it. You have done a superb paint job on these and I look forward to reading how the game works out.

  2. Wonderful stuff Stuart. Hope the game goes well.

  3. I've got to say you're making those Empress mounted infantry look awfully tempting! Good luck with the game; can't wait to read the report.
