
Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Carey's Blunder - A Zulu War Participation Game.

Sunday saw the first outing of the Evesham Wargames Club Zulu War Participation game at Gloucester Minicon, the inaugural event in Gloucester.

We were keen to put on a game that would give players a feel for Sharp Practice but not tie them up for several hours.

The scenario was simple - Rescue the Prince.....



We made a number of tweaks to the rule set to provide a swift action.
All British players were classed as Bigmen, with the Officers and NCO's able to activate the Troopers.
The chain of command could only go downwards so for example the only person able to activate the prince was the prince himself.
We used the Physique of the Bigmen to record wounds, Captain Carey and Prince Imperial had a Physique of 5, whilst troopers only held a 4.
Alll Zulu's moved on the Zulu Blind Card on 2 Dice plus 3, which made them pretty fast if their card came up.

Before players could mount they had to amass a numerical value of 10.


The gallant band of defenders.

Game 1 - 3 Players.
When you umpire you hope games go a certain way, not this time all plans went out of the window, players hot footed it for the donga, with scant regard for the Prince leaving him their horses and the Zulu scout behind.
Fortunately a group of troopers paused at the entrance to the Kraal and became the target for the Zulu's their combined fre was able to suppress and drive off two small groups of Zulu, driving them into the long grass.
Corporal Grubb and Prince had a narrow escape breaking through the Kraal fence and skirting the outside of the board before reaching the safety of the Donga.
Mean while the scout attempted to hide out behind the Tiffin Tent only to be spotted and swamped by the zulu.
Victory to the British Player.


Game 2 - 4 Players

More of a challenge for the Imperial Players as the Zulu Cards came out early in the deck and a good dice roll brought the Zulu's very close to the Kraal entrance blocking the most direct escape route to the Donga.

Troopers Abel and Le Coq struggled to mount their horses as the Zulu broken in via the back wall of the Kraal, while the Prince was grabbed by a second group of Zulu who narrowly missed dragging him from his horse.


Trooper Rogers was caught trying to flee the camp and was brought down.


Captain Carey attempted to hold the Zulu at bay with the aid of Crp Grubb and Trooper Cochrane but were unable to save Rogers.


Trooper le Coq made it to the lip of the Donga before he secumbed to the stabbing Assegi.
On the right Trooper Rogers attempted to make a break for the Donga but was attacked after steeping to close to the Zulu and becoming the target of a swift Zulu move.

The Prince once again was able to mount and ride for safety.
Victory to the British Player.

Game 3 - 5 Player
Last game of the day and a bunch of chaps from the Cheltenham club stepped up to the plate, what a difference experience makes, Captain Carey calmly stood in the centre of the deserted village and ordered the patrol to mount, the patrol fitted their saddles and rode for the gate, but something was wrong, in the confusion Carey was left behind without a mount and the Zulu's were closing in fast.


Carey maintained his decorum and fought off the Zulu each time they advanced, he was like a man possessed, his herioc actions forced a number of the players to come to his aid, in the attempted rescue Crp Grubb was seriously wounded, Carey stood over him and beat back the Zulu again.
Srgt Willis Rode back into the melee creating a path for Carey to flee through.


Carey and Willis leap frogged each other firing into the Zulu hordes, it was not long before Willis had his horse shot from under him, but he continued in his rear guard action inflicting shock on the Zulu hordes closing in.
Last turn of the game saw Carey and Willis reach the Donga, the Zulu morale was broken and the shock points forced them to ground.

Elsewhere the Prince had headed for the Donga and was half way to Natal before Carey had driven off the Zulu.

Victory to the British Players and VC's for Carey and Willis...


  1. It looks like a cracking good game, even though an "inorgial" event sounds vaguely rude!

    It's always interesting to see what different players will do to the same scenario.

  2. Padre, I thought that looked a little odd. All change.

  3. Really nice, great photos.

  4. Wonderful Stuart!! Great photos, looks like an awesome game.

  5. Looks good Stu. Sorry I missed it unfortunately duty called. Perhaps you can put on the game on one of the nights at the club?

  6. Enjoyed reading this and checking out the action shots. Looking forward to the next installment.

  7. Mark
    I thought about this Sunday, with the AGM and it having been Zulu, Zulu, zulu for the last few months time for something different.

  8. Brilliant game by the looks of it! thoroughly enjoyed the report.

    May I trouble you with regards to what you used to make the wooden fence surrounding the village? thank you for your time.

  9. Sure, it was a wicker basket that you can find in the likes of Homebase or florist. It was then just a case of breaking it up in to the right lengths.

  10. Many thanks for the kind reply Stuart; much appreciated.
