
Sunday, January 08, 2012

Pike Shot & Zombies - Arrival Points

Keeping up with my plan to complete the projects sitting in draws and cupboards. I thought this week I would turn my attention to a couple of terrain items...
In preparation for the first outing of Pike Shot & Zombies I thought I would create some arrival points for the zombies to spring from.

Renedra - Graveyard's.
I picked these up several months ago at one of the wargaming show's. Not sure why I brought them, so they sat in a draw until I could think of a use for them.

Reading the Pike Shot & Zombie's rules they call for arrival points for the zombies, these are mean't to be burial grounds and grave yards and the like so I thought these would come in handy to represent arrival points rather than a simple tabletop marker.




The Graveyard pack has 40 head stones encompassing, crosses, tombstones, slabs and even a crow to boot...
The detail is very impressive and they come away from the frames cleanly, using green stuff I attached them to a couple of old CD's and covered them in a thin layer of PVA glue and sharp sand.
a liberal covering of TSS flock and some Silfor and they were finished.
I am quite pleased with the results and they will work for the first game of PSZ in a few weeks.



  1. Excellent work Sir! I've found the Renedra gravestones to be really effective and take paint really well. Looking forward to seeing how this progresses.

  2. Great work Stu. Look forward to hearing about and perhaps playing this one ...
