
Sunday, January 01, 2012

Two Hour Wargames - Dog Soldiers

The first posting of 2012 and my aim this year is to game with some of the stuff that lurkes at the back of the wargames cupboard... Lead mountain only seems to grow these days....

First up several Westwind Werewolves which were already uncoated but had been left unfinished for several years, I figured I could get these done in an evening and on the table within 24 Hrs....

I have been revisiting the Chain Reaction Rules by Ed at Two Hours Wargames in recent weeks for a number of different games and remember he did a cracking free set of rules for the Dog Soldiers Movie. This was a  great low budget Werewolf fest with had a Rorkes Drift Flavour to it.... (You will know when you see it....) it's coming up to it's 10th aniversary this year - perhaps one day they will make the sequel..


I already had a bunch of Modern British painted up for Cold War Britain from Mongrel Miniatures and have used these for a number of games from Peace Keeping Missions in the Congo to Zombie outbreaks.

Any way 24 Hours later they are on the table and being gamed with - success.....
A British Section must advance through the wood and reach the cottage in the clearing, holding out until the morning and sunrise all are grade 4 whilst wells is a 5.
The section is made up of the following troopers.
Sergeant Harry G. Wells
Corporal Bruce Campbell
Private Lawrence Cooper
Private Phil "Spoon" Witherspoon
Private Joe Kirkley
Private Terry Milburn

Sergeant Wells leads is squad in an extended line hoping to bring maximum fire to any one or thing approaching his section.



A Werewolf breaks from cover on the right flank Milburn and Kirkley react quickly and let off several rounds forcing the Werewolf to Duckback into cover . To the rear of the unit 2 further Werewolves are spotted moving at speed towards the unit.



Wells orders the section to run heading along the woodland path, Milbern fails his roll and is set upon by a Werewolf breaking cover from the left.
The remainder of the Squad press on unwilling or unable to help Milbern heading to the farm house.



Before the Section is able to rest the Werewolves are on them pushing at the doors and windows, only a few lucky iniative turns save them from being overwelmed.
The Werewolves head to the safety of the tree line to regroup and consider a fresh line of attack.


Breaking into three groups the Werewolves looking to gain entry to the farm house attacking the front and back whilst a couple of single Werewolves attempt to break through the broken down corner only to be met by Private Cooper, a burst from his SLA is enough to kill a Werewolf but not before Cooper takes a fatal blow and is OD.


Elswhere Spoon & Wells drive off the foes to their front running to the rear of the farm house to support Cambell who is protecting Kirtley who has taken OFF from the lead Werewolf who has broken in via the out house.


5.00am and one turn before Sun rise and the Werewolves make an all out attack on rubble corner, Wells is out of the fight as his gun jams and is overwelmed by the furry mass. Spoon thows his only Grenade killing one of the Werewolves out right and driving another into the dawn gloom.

End of the turn and the squad have some how survived although they have lost several of their number to the Werewolves who are still out there....


A cracking game and as the rule say completed in less than two hours....


  1. Brilliant AAR. Sounds like great fun. I love the film, and this looks like every bit as good!!

  2. Very nice report Stuart. Great photos.

  3. Fan-bloomin-tastic! A great film and a wonderful looking game. Tremendous stuff.

  4. Excellent! Fantastic looking game too ;)

  5. Love it! I have a few of those Westwind Werewolves in my Weird WW2 collection too:

    Looking forward to more :-)
