
Friday, October 30, 2015

"Bows and Arrows against the Lightning" - Part 2

With a few weeks before the next England Invaded outing....

Factories continue to produce weopons for the war effort.

Essex Crew and QRF Guns.
The extra heavy guns will have a Fire Factor of 8 within the Martian Empire rules and will be available to purchase at a cost of 160 points.

I have added a couple of limbers to pad out the order....
There is no call for them in the Martian Empire rules but they do look nice on the table...

The final packs of reinforcements for mankind arrived a few days ago.... I found some nice peices in Eureka's ranges which are fit for purpose (more of these later).
I painted up an additional command stand as a taster... 

Standing 18mm tall they are largered than the other figures in the collection, but look fine once painted and based.

That's all for now folks....


  1. Excellent job, love the limbers, always great on our tables...

    1. Thanks Phil they will bring a certain something to the table....

  2. Splendid! Looking forward to the next instalment Stuart.

  3. Love the limbers .,
    Regards Gav .

  4. Lovely work and look forward to them giving those alien chaps a taste of their own medicine!

  5. Very nice work on these, can't wait for the next installment !

    1. More reinforcements await before this project is complete.
      Cheers Stu

  6. Splendid stuff - those heavy guns are sure to dish out some punishment to the invaders!

    1. Like Kev below, I've just gone back and looked at your hole campaign system. Really inspiring! I've joined your blog too and will watch developments with great interest!

    2. Thanks Paul.
      No pressure then - coming soon more Cavalry and the British offensive :-)

  7. Hi Stu- Have read all your posts re: Martian Invasion- appreciate your efforts in your chosen scale of 15mm to present all the Scenarios and realise that you have been at this Project for a very long time- well done indeed- and congratulations! I do like what you have done- it all is most interesting and very imaginative. Regards. KEV. p.s., I've just Joined your site.

    1. Kev
      Thanks for your kind comments, glad to know my rambling are being enjoyed out in the wider world, thanks for following, I have resonded in kind. That's quite a project you have undertaken.
      Best wishes.

    2. Stu-
      What you have done re: Martian Invasion- has provided great interest so much so that I have had a good look at BlackHat 18mm Miniatures (UK)- and given great thought to possibly making up my own collection and have a crack at it all with Martian Empires rules- and keep it all in the vein of 1889 as you have done for War of The Worlds...really like the BlackHat miniatures- however - my beans are pretty short at the moment to do such a project...though I have invested in Mike Brunton's book on the 1895 War of the Worlds...(bought locally through e-Bay AUS for $24- and the book should be here for this coming weekend to read and be inspired)....strange isn't it - always liked the works of H.G.Wells and to game WofW as you have done would be most interesting and a lot of fun....I wouldn't say it is a distraction from my MARS 1832 Project - War of the Worlds in 18mm would be another alternative for me in Solo Gaming. I'm not sure if you realise that if I purchased 60 pounds worth of figures- that works out ( with postage) to be over $200 AUS....yep! It is dear to do. Regards. KEV.
