
Sunday, November 01, 2015

November and a new project looms...

I think in future I shall be driving to shows on my own....

Clearly sitting in a car with fellow gamers only leads to wide ranging discussions which ultimately leads to me parting with cash for projects I did not know I needed.

The trip up to Derby last month was no exception....

I casually mentioned that I quite like the look of the new "Cold War" ranges coming on to the market and that it would give me an excuse to use various terrian pieces in an alternative setting and it's been a while since I have painted moderns......

Next thing you know Gav suggests we try the Chechen War, one of his favourite conflicts.
"A lovely range of figures from Eureka and Grozny would allow you to use your buildings"

Well motivated irregulars vs well equipped but poorly motivated regulars...
I was hooked....

With Warfare but a few weeks away..... I can see several purchases on the cards...


  1. I love it when a distraction strikes!

  2. I hope to start on some figures and terrain at the end of the week if my naps don't get in the way .
    Cheers Gav .

  3. Hmmm, the distractions of a wargamer after chatting with his chums. Damned dangerous if you ask me;)
