
Saturday, December 19, 2015

Chechen Fighters - Eureka Miniatures.

Back in November a few of us over at the Wyvern's got drawn into a new project, largely due to Furphy's long held desire to game the 1st Chechen War, he got off to a cracking start. (see here.)
While I finished off the Cavalry Brigade for the Martian invasion campaign.....

Any how a gap in the run up to Christmas, finally a day to get some paint on lead and give him some opposition.

We agreed on 15mm in order to utilise some of our existing Russian Front terrain and urban buildings, besides the supporting vehicles gives us more scope for larger games. 
The Eureka mini's are small compared to others on the market, but they are well sculpted and take paint very well.

I have given them a mix of urban and regular camo, with a few civilian clothes thrown in for good measure.

First up a regular Chechen squad, the plan was to use Chris Peers - At Close Quarters Rules and have the Chechen's formed into squads of 6 men, 4 AK armed troops together with an LMG in support and an RPG.

More senior officers were based on 2p pieces, with the regular fighters based on pennies.
In order to identify NCO's. I added some smaller bricks on the bases.

I am really rather pleased with how the 1st squad has turned out.
They should given the Russians a run for their money.

Next up more Chechen's.


  1. Looking geat! Looking forward to seeing these guys in a game :-)

  2. That's great work Stu, I have more Russians in the post !
    Regards Gav .

    1. I best get painting then buddy :-)

  3. Looking very good Stuart- Very well painted and presented- you certainly have a greater deal of patience than I to paint 15mm...the gaming is going to look great. KEV.

    1. Not my usual scale Kev, but I am a sucker for a new period.
