
Thursday, December 24, 2015

Yorkshire Falls - Campaign Game #7

The last game of the year and it turned out to be a cracker....

Encouraged by their last victory the Human forces pushed on.
Generals Furphy and Dane gave orders to advance on Yorkshire in three flying columns, the Martian invader was already restricted in their capacity to reinforce as their cylinder had been destroyed a few weeks earlier, but being not of human mind and knowing no fear vowed to fight to the death.
Out numbered 2:1 it was always going to be difficult to hold mankind at bay.

The table layout, two of the human columns can be seen, but no Martian is in sight, only the clinging red weed, which was rapidly expanding across the English countryside.

Opting for a very mobile force to counter the artillery of HM land forces, the Martian invader is forced into action as the left hand column brings it's guns to bear, the Martian scutlers, scamper forwards looking to destroy the weaker column before it can become established in the village.

One order to far!!!
The Scout machines are caught in the flank as the local yeomanry line the walls and windows of the nearby village, a savage volley destroy's one metal monster and sends the other back towards the Martian lines.

The Militia advance, but the creatures from Mars stand firm firing their heat rays and launching cannister rounds of the terrible black smoke, the militia waiver but recover their nerve as supporting artillery fire damages a number of the war machines.

Facing advancing infantry on both flanks the Martian smoke projectors fall back to seek shelter on the reverse slop of the hill as more of their number surcum to the rising rifle fire.

Meanwhile for a brief moment the smiles are wiped from the faces of the human commanders as their field artillery look to flank the main Martian force, they stubble into the last Martian force, hidden in an empty farm house, they destroy one of the guns, before they were silenced by shell and bullet.

The final Martian machines are cornered and destroyed....
The north is free from the out of world invader... but the Martian invader is due to take the offensive next, so things could change very rapidly.

2016 is looking like a very busy year.....

Merry Christmas all.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Don - Next turn should see the big guns arriving... :-)

  2. Yet another fine Scenario for the 7th Game and a British Win...Martians must just about be on their last foothold? Regards. KEV.

    1. Or just opening skirmishes Kev, with points starting to rack up, we should be seeing fighting machines in the coming weeks.

  3. Encouraging news for humanity. I'm still keeping passage on that steamer as an option, however.
    I'm quite enjoying this campaign! Bravo.

    1. You never know Michael, Martian moves next.
