
Saturday, September 24, 2016

Chinese Cross Bows - The last of the bare metal...

These seem to have been on the paint table for months now, but with the urge to paint something new and the Wargames Butterfly starting to take a grip again.  I thought I would press on and get the last of the Chinese off the production line.

These were the original crew from the War Wagon. I went for a slightly different style in terms of uniform, while technically the Infantry of the Sung period did not have a formal uniform I figures these will be suitable for a number of scenario's.

Next up return of an old favourite....


  1. Stuart,

    Nicely finish Chinese figures- well done. As to 'Butterflys'- this year hasn't been to bad for me...have managed to complete Vietnam, The Falklands and Abyssinia -all in 1/72nd...have also shelved my WW2 1/72nd Project and a 15mm Medieval DBA Project...such that at present - firmly concentrating on 54mm WW1 in Plastic. Not bad going- and true a little 'Butterfly-ish'. Best Wishes. KEV.

    1. At least your painting keeps up with your projects Kev.
      Best wishes.

  2. Nice looking Chinese units, great job!

  3. A little bit different to the last batch.
