
Monday, September 26, 2016

Zombicide Black Plague - It's no Snakes and Ladders....

Remember those rainy Sunday afternoons of the 70’s all gathered around the coffee table for "family time" with the battered boxes of Ludo, Monopoly or Cluedo... how things have changed in 40 years – Blood, Guts and Zombies….

Sunday saw what is becoming a regular family outing of Zombicide – Black Plague.

What could be better than a co-op game, no cheating, no falling out and everyone as long as we all make it off the board wins…. Perfect for family harmony.
Turn one half the family set off in the wrong direction from the agreed plan, they hack and slay their way into Yellow and then Orange before the parents are even out of Blue, We are chased by every dead thing on the board and are only armed with what might as well be a wooden sword and a feather pillow.

Pinned in a hovel hunting for a big weapon that might save the day only to be confronted by several nasties all interested in having us for lunch.
Well you can guess the rest….
Oh how I miss those simple days of Snakes and Ladders….


  1. Fabulous, just the thought of the offspring heading off in the opposite direction to the agreed plan had me in stitches.

    1. We would have suceeded if it was not for those pesky kids :-)

  2. Typical of kids to do the polar opposite of what their parents want them to do!!!

    1. Tell me about it Steve - Zombicide mirroring real life :-(

  3. Good one. How can you blame the kids when the parents were just too slow to catch up? :)

  4. you taght them well stu i can remember a game at club one year :)

    1. Are you still harping on about the dentist chair :-)
      See you sunday buddy.....
