
Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Warfare 2016

Sunday saw our annual trip down to Reading for Warfare, the last show of 2016.
Thanks to all those who stopped by. We were looking recreate an element of the the Battle of the Somme and the push for Albert, a detailed overview can be found here.

Thanks for Paul and Sally at Kallistra for supply the fantastic terrain, the Hexon system is really the only choice for creating the necessary trench lines on this scale.

Some pics of the battle as it unfolded.

The battlefield, British on the left and German Machine guns on the right.

The Germans man the trenches a poor roll by me meant that the British Artillery failed to surpress many of the MG's apart from the very last 3 on the far right.
The Brtish reach the wire but suffered over 1000 casualties within the first hour of play.
The German defenders in the mine crater suffered as the British looked to break into the first line of defence.
The mine on the British right had smashed the German trenches and the loss of three of the seven Machine guns and weakened the German left allowing the Brits to push through on to the second line after fighting had ranged all day in the forward trenches.

Meanwhile on the British left the Trenches were in partial British hands but the Albert Road and village was still heavily defended.
As a gentle reminder what was waiting for me on the paint table at home, our next door neighbors  Steve Deeprose put on a fantastic looking Egypt game...... Right back to the brushes those Frenchies will not paint themselves.



  1. Nice report Stu 👍.
    Regards Gav .

    1. Cheers Gav - Can't believe it was 12 months since the last outing.

  2. Looked like a great game Stu. Definitely time to get on with painting your Frenchies!

    1. I know Steve, the flaming Zulu's have got in the way now.... :-)

  3. Great looking game, the hex table does look excellent!

  4. Great looking game, lovely colored minis!

  5. Looks nice to get a closer picture, but susp ft the light not great ?

    1. It was Matt - or it could be my ability :-)

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  7. lovely WW I game well done.

    The trench and crater terrain are just asking to be used in an ACW Siege of Petersburg game focused around "the Crater'...
