
Saturday, November 26, 2016

Wyvern Wargamers - Winter All Dayer 2016 Part 1

There is nothing like an all dayer to get the creative juices following or the cold sweat of panic knowing you have less than 24 Hrs to get figures battlefield ready.

Tomorrow the Wyverns revisiting the Zulu Wars with Col Pearson's Right Flank Column crossing the iNyezane Drift.

We shall be using the Daniel Mersey's - The Men Who Would Be Kings rules. With 90 points aside on offer - The Zulu's really will be thick as grass...
But still time to recruit a unit of sharp shooters to slow the British advance.

Full AAR to follow....


  1. Best of luck Stuart, great looking unit.

    1. Thanks Michael somewhat behind on posts but should have the AAR up soon.

  2. Have a great day marra .
    Regards Gav .
