
Sunday, December 04, 2016

Wyvern Wargamers - Winter All Dayer 2016 Part 2 - The Battle of the iNyezane River.

It's been quite a while since the last big Zulu outing at least 5 years - So what better excuse for the Wyvern's to get the old gang back together.

Last Sunday saw a larger encounter using "Men Who Would be Kings" adventuring in Zululand with the lead elements of Col. Pearson's Right Flank Column crossing the iNyezane drift into Zululand.

5 British players all looking to make a name for themselves, so whilst they all fought to defeat the Zulu they would be awarded points for various acts of valour.

1 Pt for Each undestroyed Wagon on the North side
1 Pt for Each Destroyed or routed Zulu Unit
-1 for each unit lost.
4 Pts for setting the Kraal on fire.

The game starts with a company of engineers at the drift with detachments from the NNC helping to transport the wagons across.

On the British right the Zulu appear rushing to fill a rocky enclave with Riflemens. As more warriors fill the pass, the frontier horse press forward to slow the Zulu advance.

Meanwhile the Kraal is a hive of activity as warriors rush out looking to halt the British crossing, with over 30 Zulu units on the table it would be a hot day in the field for the Brits.

11.00am and the Zulu have amassed quite a force, a lucky dice roll by the Zulu commander see's the Zulu able to field 10 units in one go, they fill the plain in front of the Kraal and head out to meet the colonial invaders.

The Engineers had done a stirling job and had been able to push all the wagons over the iNyezane River, perhaps to well as the Buffs and the supporting sailors were rather thinly spread. Seeing an opening the Zulu's pour down the hillside.

The British scramble to form a firing line as the Zulu close in, Sailors, Redcoats and NNC stand ready to recieve the charge.

Battle is joined, wave after wave of Zulu's crash into the British line, a number of sections are forced to fall back, but close order drill and crashing volley's destroy a number of native units and pin several others. The Zulu's fall back or are shot down where they stand.

The forces of the Crown re-group a number of their units are at less than half strength but they had beaten back the inital Zulu assault. They now press forward clearing the remaining natives to their front. 

However this initial assault has allowed the Zulu commander to draw up sufficent forces to begin a second push on the British line.

Married and Unmarried warriors start down the hillside towards the invaders.

Two companies of the 2/3rd The Buffs have made there way up the steep incline, only to be set upon by the second wave of Zulu's they are badly mauled and the Colonel's Nephew is killed in action.
The British fall back under pressure from the charging Zulu warriors.

The British are won't be caught a second time, a strong firing line is formed including 7lbs Artillery  and a Gatling Gun, the Zulu's still had a third of their army in the field but had no wish to attempt another assault on the British. Pearson had been bloodied but lacked the strength to push up the hill without sustaining yet more casualties. 
The battle was drawn.

A great days gaming - a near run thing for both sides.
What if the Zulu's had been slower to arrive?
What if the Infantry had crossed the drift first?
What if the Zulu's had thrown more troops into the first attack rather than massing on the hill side?

Perhaps another refight in 2017?


  1. Now that is a good looking game!

  2. Hello,
    would it be possible to get a good image from you of the Spanish Armada ship the Rata Santa Maria Encoronada which sank off the Mayo coast. You have included a lovely LR image of the painting some time back. I am completing a book at the moment and there is a chapter about the Rata and Armada generally.
    Thanking you in anticipation

  3. The image was included in the Wargaming the Spanish Armada - Flight of the La Rata Sunday September 23rd 2012. You can get me at

    1. Christy thanks for your comments, the image was a lift from goggle and unfortuantely I can't find the source of where I lifted it from.
      I have tried searching ships of the armada and La Rata Santa Maria Encoronada to see if I can point you to the original owner.
      Sorry I can't be of more help.
