
Monday, May 29, 2017

Trent Miniatures - Haitian Revolting Slaves

The first figures are off the production line Trent Miniatures a mixture of Revolting Slaves and Maroons.

Lacking the kit of your regular napoleonic soldier these were pretty quick to turn around in many cases armed only with musket or blade. There ar some really nice touches including some of the figures with scars on their backs. 

The blister packs contain a random selection of castings with various head swaps which is perfect for the rag tag feel, I am not to sure how many unique bodies are in the range, I am certainly missing two shown on the "web" - An excuse to buy more or flick through the packs at the next show.

I splashed out on Foundry's "African Flesh"  Palettes to give me some extra depth and tone.
I may over time make some figures with both a darker and lighter skin tone but for the first unit these look pretty good to me.

Right back to the brushes.


  1. Nice work Stu. Looking forward to seeing these guys in action.

  2. Stuart,
    Very nice work on the Natives- well done! Do also like your background terrain. Hope you can obtain some more Blister packs of figures to add to your growing collection. Cheers. KEV.

    1. I keep planning on basing it up formwely Kev but that would take more storage than I have and besides th cost of the material would be almost double of the cost of these Chinese imports.

  3. Cracking work Stuart, they look great.

  4. Beautiful figures and presentation!
