
Friday, June 02, 2017

Trent Miniatures - Haitian Revolting Slaves Part 2

Yet more slaves to add to the going rebellion.
Pretty pleased with the output so far given that I only managed to grab a few hours each evening.

Again a mix of the various Trent packs.

The buildings were from the now defunct Snapdragon Studios and designed for Vietnam but they seemed to fit the bill for Slave Quarters. I have been on the lookout for a suitable Plantation House to be a centre piece for some of the games...

And to celebrate the new project the Wyvern's have new Dice Bags to blame on those bad decisions when your chit does not appear at that key moment.

UK Game Expo tomorrow I will try and keep away from any new projects, but with over 300 trade stands it might be a little difficult... Damn you butterfly gene...


  1. Stuart,
    Very nice additional figures of the natives - well done! The UK Game Expo sounds very interesting- also very tempting it would be to get into other Projects...guess the key is to stay focused and not be distracted on a whim - have fun. Cheers. KEV.

    1. Your not wrong Kev, fortunately there was so much choice I managed to limit my purchases.... :-)

  2. Great lookibg figurws Stuart.I've pondered this period as my next folly, what to do what to do???

    1. It certainly gets the juices flowing Ray...

  3. Glad you are managing to grab some time to get painting again. My painting also tends to be the odd hour here and there in the evening, which is not ideal, but better than nothing at all.

    1. Thank heavens for Britian's got talent which means I can sneak away... :-)

  4. Super work Stuart and those buildings really do set them off nicely.

    1. Thanks Michael. Itching to get the first game up and running, still a few more units to go yet..
