
Saturday, June 24, 2017

RJW All dayer - Last minute Prep.

There is nothing like a big game to get you fired up for those last minute additions or should I say stuff that you having been meaning to do for three weeks but real life keeps getting in the way.

Tomorrow see's a BIG - MWWBK's game with 75 Points of Russians taking on 61 Points of Japanese assuming I finish the last cavalry unit. 

For the scenario I planned on having the Russians in a defensive position which the Japanese will have to breach, my fellow gamer and good friend Paul (catch his blog here.) gifted me a number of resin defensives several months ago and they have sat in a box awaiting that moment of motivation.
The All dayer provided that spark... 

The emplacements and trnech lines have been given a bit of a make over to blend them in with my existing basing style, but they should be ready for tomorrow's outing.


Meabwhile as the undercoat dries on the Empress dismounted cavalry, I have produced the stats for the opposing forces. I have attached the document below for anyone wishing to play the RJW using Men who would be Kings.


  1. Oh yeah love the RJW! Looking forward to your AAR.
    Nice fortifications, thanks for the detailed OOB...

    1. No problem Captain.
      Let's see if my tinkering works.

  2. Really looking forward to your AAR and also how the day went in general. Thanks for the RJW info and am thinking that these rules would work well for some early WWI small actions. So many ideas, so little time!

    1. They could do Steve, my biggest concern is the free action of Shoot for regulars which could be pretty bloody, I think I have a potential tweak, guess tomorrow will tell. :-)

  3. Now these should slow down the Japanese, splendid work.

    1. We will know by lunch time tomorrow Michael...
