
Friday, June 23, 2017

Wyvern Wargamers Open Day - June 25th - 2 Days to go...

Wyvern Wargamers have our open day on Sunday 25th June.

The hot weather has messed my schedule somewhat, but with the the weather returning normal June and some time off today hopefully time to finish the last of the pieces for the game. 
I shall be hosting a larger Russo-Japanese encounter using Men Who Would be Kings. More on that in the coming posts including units and Stats.
If you are local why not come along and grab a coffee and see what we are all about.
For those gamers who have not come to our open days before, you will find us a friendly club with plenty of room to lay on those big games.

If you are interested in joining in or laying on a game on Sunday there is still room in the hall.
Drop me a line on the blog or at the club address.


Previous events can be found here.


  1. Stuart,
    Your Club- The Wyvern Wargamers sounds a most friendly is a pity I'm on the other side of the Earth -....wouldn't mind having a look at 'Frost Grave' in action. Cheers. KEV.

  2. I hope all goes well Stuart, looking forward to a review of the event.
