
Friday, July 27, 2018

This weeks Challenge....

It was a good idea at the time and looked lovely on the shelf however....

I have been putting it off ever since I got back from Derby last year and looked in the bag and saw the 000's of pieces.... Good job I have a few days off and it's still to hot to paint.
I am sure once complete it will be lovely...
In case you could not tell this is Tidewater House from Charlie Foxtrot Models.

Elsewhere the Ottomans once again failed to land a win against Dane's Russians in Sharp Practice.
A close run thing, with the Russians attempting to cross the table with only a wooded hill separating the two forces.

I opted for Ottoman regulars which made a change and topped them up with a couple of skirmish units and a band of fellas with sword and spear to give him something to think about - He is not a fan of a big chopper.... espially after the recent Haiti game...

Dispite seizing the high ground and pinning the Russians in the centre of the table the Ottomans were unable to force a win.

The Russians kept on absorbing the shock and with the Ottomans losing the skirmish units and swordmen their morale slipped away leaving the Russians to hold the table....

Next up more Haitian's to defend the plantation house.....


  1. You have fun with that house now! Good grief that looks stressful. Nice looking battle.

    1. Let's hope one section at a time is the way to go...

  2. Well that should keep you out of mischief.

  3. looks like a good game and the Ottomans were unlucky this time! Look forward to the next installment of your Caribbean saga!

    1. Got some extra's on the paint table... so hopefully the next game soon.

  4. Good luck on the house
    The game was a lot closer than the result I had lost about a third of my men by the way great camera makes my Russians look realy good

    1. They would look better mate if I could kill a few more:-)

  5. Big elastic bands are your friend Stu to help hold the main bits together, before you glue them. Don't sweat the small bits, concentrate on the main structure and everything else will fall into place.

    1. Great advice Steve good news most of the bits appear to be windows and roof.

  6. I hope you have got the instructions for that one!

  7. Good to see some Turks on the battlefield!
    Nice looking game.
    Been thinking of trying a skirmish Russian/Turk game myself with Song of Drums & Shakos rules...
    Good luck with the building checked the makers site looks impressive.

    1. Cheers Captain.... I was looking at some of the later Russo-Turkish war stuff myself.
