
Saturday, July 21, 2018

White Dragon Miniatures - Battlefield Clutter

Back in the Spring we were fortunate to win the Hammerhead prize draw for those clubs putting on games, it was late in the day but I had been eyeing up the defences and barricades from White Dragon Miniatures all day. The Combat Zone game from a few weeks ago gave me the nudge to get them painted up...

Cast in resin they come in several parts, I wanted mine to represent back yards and rear alleys and to block line of sight as troops creep around the inner city so based they closely together on single bases. Each piece comes with some nice touches, barrels, cables and rubble to add to the clutter.

The concrete walls are perfect to hold a fire or HMG team and fit in well with my Eureka modern Russians.

Meanwhile the metal fencing gives troops the opportunity to rush from dead ground to dead ground perfect for taking on the alien invaders when they are looking the other way.

You can't have a run down backyard part of town without someone taking a spray can to the walls, the occasional flash of red and blue on the fencing, gave the kind of feel I was looking for.

They should add a little more depth to the games and mix in well with the other modern terrain and burnt out cars, now for a suitable scenario to get them in play.


  1. These look great Stuart, love the graffiti!

    1. Thanks Michael, just need an excuse to use them now.

  2. These look great and break line of sight perfectly.
