
Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Another year passes - Old and New Mini's.

The last year or so has been very quite on the wargaming front, I could easily wander round a show and not part with a single penny, but this year the mojo is back and with so many projects, campaigns and club games it does feel like I have hit somewhat of a purple patch.... It must be that 30mins of hobby time every day :-)
Another birthday crept up on me, under pressure from the family to have an Amazon list because "Wargamers as so difficult to buy for...." I threw together a list of ideas and in fairness to the brood they did a fantastic job.... Ok I had to guide the wife to Steve at Arcane for a batch of Trent Miniatures and she will moan for the next 12 months about strange e-mails regarding little men, but I can live with that.

Risk Europe was a filler on the list but was surprisingly good even the kids enjoyed it, but was that because I lost? Risk was always a classic when I was a kid, the Europe variant is a little more of a wargame than the original dicefest... No camping out in Australia in this one.

Image result for risk europe

The game is set in medieval Europe and is designed for up to 4 players. You are trying to collect 7 crowns to win the game. Crowns are claimed throughout the game by capturing territories that have cities in them.

The game is played in rounds. Each player has 8 cards with "orders" for their kingdom. Players pick 2 orders take turns playing their order cards. The orders are basically to either tax your kingdom to raise money, spend money to buy armies or crowns, expand to new territories, or move troops from one territory to another. 

Unlike classic Risk you have different units with abilities. There are siege weapons, archers, cavalry, footmen and castles to defend. Definately worth checking out.

Here's a challenge for you. - Name the manufacturer.
Clearing out my parents loft out, I came across a matchbox with my first figures from the early 80's. Pretty sure the ECW figures are Essex - but the others ---- Who knows?
They would have been picked from the glass cabinet from Trevors Model Shop in Worcester, surprisingly good sculpts but the painting style needs some work. 

Meanwhile on Kickstarter I spotted this project, being a sucker for anything War of the Worlds this looked like fun.

It's a two player game based around a second invasion, it's currently at over 1000% backed with 48 Hours still to go. Perfect to prepare the way for next Christmas and the BBC's verison of War of the Worlds which is currently being film in Liverpool.

Image result for BBC war of the worlds

Right back to brushes that undercoat must be dry by now.


  1. Congrats on the birthday acquisitions Stu - online stores like Amazon are a Godsend for this type of thing - I managed to obtain birthday AND Christmas presents in 2018 that I actually wanted - first time in years! And now my children are old enough to be in employment, I am not just paying for them myself - although I may have bought the birthday ones as my wife was involved in that purchase as well!

    1. And who said we were difficult to buy for :-)

  2. From the left, minifigs. Numbers 4,6,7 and 9 are citadel. Some from the dungeon adventurers set while the archers is a chaos warrior. 👍

    1. What Paul said.. Miniature Figurines ECW figures

    2. Somehow Paul I new you would know:-)
      I might get them painted up for our adventuring but might just leave them in their original state...

  3. I hear Canal+ and Fox are doing a War of the Worlds as well!

    1. Just spotted that Fran - it reads like a modern version, lets hope it's a little better than Mr Cruise's offering.

  4. Happy Birthday! Great to see you still have some old minis from your early days of wargaming. I sold a lot of mine off years ago, but still have a few which is nice as they bring back many happy memories.

    1. It certainly does Steve. just how many mini's have I parted with over the years that I suddenly have a craving to do all over again.

  5. Belated salutations for your birthday Stu!
    Nice looking haul goodies.
    The War of the Worlds game looks the part, I'm holding off on that got so many games already...

    1. I just could not resist. I suspect it might only get a couple of run outs, but the map looked very nice.
