
Sunday, January 27, 2019

Messing about on the river - A french Indian war outing.

Things seem to be picking up at the club of late, a number of new members and some new games on offer. I wonder did everyone deide if 2019 was a time to devote to more hobby time?
The latest offering was a follow up to the last French Indian Wars encounter.

Having been defeated in the last game the British were in retreat and the French and their Indian allies were on the warpath. Next in their sights a small settlement on the river.
Things have been tough for the settlers, but finally a small supply boat arrives with extra tools, black powder and a trinkets, the kind of things that make a house a home.
All that was needed was to go fetch and take back to town.

However the unwanted shoppers arrived in the shape of a Huron war party looking to torch the town and run off with the supplies.

Keen to prevent this the Highlanders march out of town to meet the threat and get their revenge from the last encounter.

The war party breaks right looking to see off the settlers and destroy the supplies before the regulars can get into the fight. The settlers have the option to stand their ground or flee leaving the supplies to the savages. They stand.

The settlers whilst under pressure pour shock on the warparty, but are losing men fast, whilst the British line get into a protracted fire fight with the Indians in the wood thinking a long range volley would see them off.

Time and again the Indians are pinned in the cornfield only to clear their shock (Clever use of the flags, I shall remember that.) and move forward again, but they could not get enough movement to cross the ford, the settlers are beaten and shot down in the road, but the light company rush forward to plug the gap.

Just as the English think they have stopped the savages crossing the open ground towards the town, the French Marines appear and unlease a volley forcing the English morale to crumble as the Light Company officer took a musket ball to the chest that and the loss of the settlers and their big men was enough to push them over the edge.

A great nights gaming and a perfect dry rule for the opening rounds in the Haiti Campaign.
Once again troops were drawn into a protracted fire fight which acheived very little, Aimed volley's was the key but to late in the day to follow up on the War Party and drive them off. Isolated commands ruined the British morale from what was a strong position.

So plenty to learn from as players gear up for campaign games.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Fran, a lot of fun, just could not break those nasty fella's with their tomahawks.

  2. Lovely looking game and shame the Settlers took a bit of a kicking:(

    1. I thought it was going to well Steve when I rushed them down that end of the table on red flags.

  3. Hi Stu - great looking game - I am slightly disturbed by the use of the word "English" to describe the Scottish troops of the British army (being from north of the border myself!) :)

    1. It's the native Amercian in me, blame my poor education :-)
      God best the colonists for helping me see the error of my ways... :-(
