
Saturday, February 23, 2019

Haitian Church and Prep for Hammerhead 2019

The Church at Croix-des-Bouquets is the back drop for next weeks outing at Hammerhead.
More on the game setting later next week, but with every Church must come a bunch of Nun's that will need protecting from the various factions.

It's been a while since these ladies have graced the table but will be perfect to add a little bit of flavour to next weeks game. As will the women and children who are looking to seek refuge from the fighting raging across Haiti.
The Church is ready painted and comes from the guys at Tablescape, time permitting I will probably touch up the doors and windows with a couple of washes, but it's a great fit for the on going project.

Meanwhile the French gain some very useful reinforcements in the shape of two sections of skirmish troops to bolster the republic.

With several pieces still needed for next Saturday it's looking like a busy couple of nights on the brushes. You can find us at GL09 in the Gamers Lounge be sure to come and find us.


  1. Great looking Nuns to go with the church Stu - they will definitely add a certain je ne sais quoi to the Haitian game!

  2. Great looking church. I've eyed that up at several show and some of there other buildings too. Who makes the nuns and civilians?

  3. Wow, lovely church...and minis!

  4. Lovely church model and I really like the French skirmishers; very dynamic. Have a great show.

  5. The church looks great Stuart and I hope that you get everything else done in time for the show.

  6. Love you new stuff. Will be very useful on the table.

  7. Very cool terrain piece and figures; best wishes on the con too.
