
Friday, March 01, 2019

One sleep until Hammerhead..

Well it's been a push and with some last minute painting this evening the last of the pieces for tomorrow are complete.

The Wyverns will be presenting the Battle of Croix-des-Bouquets, Haiti March 1792

Chased from Port-au-Prince, the army of Mulattoes and free coloured people commanded by Beauvais and Rigaud reformed at La Croix-des-Bouquets. The arrival of this troop caused an uprising of slaves of the Plain of the Cul-de-Sac. They were armed only with knives, spears, hoes, and iron poles, and their chief was Yacinth, who was only 21 years old. The insurgent slaves joined the army of Beauvais and Rigaud.
The Whites of Port-au-Price decided to attack this rally on March 22, the infantrymen and dragoons of the National Guard of Port-au-Prince reinforced by detachments of the Regiment of Normandy and the Regiment of Artois went to meet the insurgents.
The fight began at La Croix-des-Bouquets. 

The French writer Victor SchÅ“lcher of the nineteenth century, in his book Vie de Toussaint Louverture described this episode: 

"The blacks brought by Yacinthe, almost all Africans, were scarcely armed with knives, pikes, hoes, and iron poles; but fanaticized by their wizards, convinced that they would be resurrected in Africa if they were killed, they threw themselves on the bayonets without caring for the fires of platoons which decimated them. They clung to the horses of the dragons they dismounted by being slashed. Yacinthe, with a bull's tail in her hand, roamed their ranks, shouting that she was chasing death. Men were seen rushing on the guns, holding them hugged to prevent them from leaving and being killed without letting go. Others were found thrusting their arms into the mouths of the pieces to tear out the balls and call their comrades, shouting: Come, come; we hold them."

It could be a bloody affair so I have completed a number of extra shock markers for both sides. A useful addition from the guys at Trent Miniatures. With some French National Guard of the Freemen can get close. 

 If you are coming down tomorrow be sure to stop by.


  1. Have a great show and some interesting, if bloody, background history.

  2. I hope all goes well today Stuart, looking forward to reading all about it.

  3. Take plenty of photos please!
