
Saturday, August 31, 2019

Cobbaton Combat Collection.

Sneaking away whilst the family did the usual beach and shops, I had a morning at the Cobbaton Combat Collection, well worth the visit if you happen to be in North Devon. First things first it is not a museum, more a collection that as the owner put it a “hobby that got out of hand”.
Perhaps a warning to us all.

To the untrained eye it can appear a little jumbled, dusty and unkept but if you know your history, military vehicles and weapons there is plenty to see. With a large collection of WW2 Allied vehicles and numerous cabinets of rifles and other memorabilia.

Here's some of the highlights..

Centuar Mk 1V with D Day Markings.

Tucked away in the corner a T34 although how they got this down the Devonshire country lanes is beyond me.

A Beaverette from 1941when you get close up it is very rough and ready, but it was afterall the stop gap after Dunkirk, you really would not fancy your chances against a Pz III. It got me thinking about dusting off my AVBCW collection.

A T55 perfect inspiration for the North Korean project, this one is from the Czech Republic, an icon of the Cold War.

An finally merely because I was taken by the size. A British Mark VIII torpedo. A reminder that the Cruel Seas starter set has not left the box yet.

A great couple of hours wandering about now back to Sandcastles and Cream Teas.....


  1. Looks like it’s worth a trip 😀

  2. I didn't know they had a Beaverette!

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