
Thursday, August 29, 2019

Drawing in the outposts - Pearl of the Antilles Campaign.

The summer months are always a testing time with campaigns as the lag between games can kill off peoples interests or the gap between games is extended the Pearl of Antilles campaign in Haiti is no different. There is also the risk that as the action hots up that the number of games makes the gap between moves to long to combat this the plan was to dice for some of the smaller games.

Within the Dawn and Departure campaign rules I adopted the simple dice mechanism with a couple of tweaks.

When attacked, an Outpost may elect to stand and fight, or may choose to retire.
If an Outpost elects to simply withdraw, it rolls 1D6.  
On a roll of 1 or 2, the troops from the Outpost will simply disperse and play no more part in the campaign. 
On a roll of 3 to 6, they may withdraw away from the enemy.
where they remain until give new orders if they are subsequently attacked they will automatically disperse unless reinforced with a larger detachment. (This should stop players constantly falling back.)

We have two such encounters in the north of the Island.

The forces of Gen Louverture continues to pursue the slave forces of George Biassou, Biassou has broken his forces up into small groups to try and slow the advance of Louverture as he advances towards the centre of the rebel controlled region.

Using a random dice generator.  - 4 The rebels slip away a mile or so having avoided Louverture's skirmish troops.

Meanwhile the Spanish were not so lucky. The Princess's forces on the back foot and falling back to Phaeton, looking to change the focus of the Spanish Commander an incursion across the border attacks the Spanish outpost.

With a random roll of a 2 - The Garrison are over run by the slave forces which number several groups and in excess of 60 attackers.

With one large encounter outstanding which see's the French under seige by the Slave forces of Dutty Boukman we should have this completed over the next fortnight which should allow us to get several rounds in over the autumn.

1 comment:

  1. That's a nice and simple mechanism to resolve campaign games. Always a tricky thing to keep interest as you say, but glad to see that this si still running along quite nicely.
