
Friday, January 31, 2020

The dead arise - Yet more Zombies.

After a couple of days sticking arms and heads on Fireforge Games latest kickstarter I managed to get them based and painted in record time, it's amazing what the promise of a game does to get the juices flowing and paint on plastic.

I backed the kickstarter several months ago and by the time it arrived had a rethink about the project in general so off to ebay went the knights and archers and the monies paid for some extra pike blocks from Foundry.

The plastics went together really well and their are some good variations in the sculpts with plenty of options for weapons and farm impliments.

They will be very useful in bolstering the forces of darkness although looking over the stats they will need to fight on mass if they are to win a battle as they are pretty weak within the Warlord of Erewhon rules.
Good job I two more boxes to wade through....


  1. Nice looking figures Stu and you have done a very nice job with the painting and basing...looking forward to more Elizabethan games in due course

    1. Coming together nicely:-)
      Just need a few days off to get some games in....

  2. Those look great and have a great Horde feel to them.

  3. Quick and nice job Stu. Love the final effect.
