
Sunday, February 02, 2020

The Elizabethan Zombie Chronicles #1 - Beachhead.

First game in a series of encounters set in a zombie infested England...
After storms off the English coast had wreaked havoc to the ships of the Grand Armada remnants of the Army of Flanders came ashore somewhere in Southern England, the army gathered its shattered units and regroups and elements of the army march inland to seek a suitable position of defence to await further reinforcements and local Catholics to rally to their cause.

Using the Warlords of Erewhon Rules the Spanish field 1000 points to patrol this foreign land seeking shelter when they are confronted by elements of the Army of Darkness.

Two Ships Captains are present Alvar Fanez and Miguel Cabanellas, with Calviers, Sword and Bucklermen backed up by Cannon and Horse. To win the day they simply have to destroy more points of an enemy also fielding 1000 points.

Following a stream inland the Spanish forces find their path blocked by a mass of dead and other fowl beasts, 

The Spanish forces advance to the hedge row over looking the farm house, when the air is turned black as crows poor from the trees diving straight for the advancing Spanish, they slash with their swords hacking the Crows down as they flew into their human foe.

The dead advance through the valley, whilst other evil forces swing left taking the high ground to the West of the farm house.

Fanez orders his cavalry forwards.
They crash into the recently turned firing their pistols as they charge in, the warhorses trample the dead under foot, while their heavy swords send the dead back to where they belong.

Miguel Cabanella on the West Flank is faced by the stuff of nightmares, a vampire type creature sweeps into attacking him and his defenders time and again they force him backwards slowly gaining the upper hand.

Meanwhile the cavalry continue their bloody work tearing into mass ranks of the rotting dead, despite their numbers the dead fail to land a blow on the well armoured cavalry.

A creature half man and half wolf skirts the farm house and rips into the advancing Spanish catching one unfortunate soul before he is killed by the human defenders who shoot him down before he can inflect further casualties.

Facing increasing pressure from hill top the Spanish Captain is set upon by a mass of the dead, but is able to defeat them his body guard sacrificing themselves to drive the dead back.

The Cavalry continue their advance striking down yet more of the evil dead, it is only when the Witch sends a chill wind towards them that unhorses one of the valiant knights that they begin to question their mortality. But the heavy lifting had been down and the valley was clear of the risen.

The skirmish was over and the dead retreated under the cover a thick mist that appeared on the battlefield. The Spanish were content to hold the field, they had suffered minor losses but knew the dead would sure to be back.

An interesting encounter and a good scene setter for a number of linked games, it was nice to get some of the new stuff on the table. The heavy cavalry make short work of the zombies. The dead have the numbers but the chances of striking a blow and securing a kill is very slight, they need to think about picking their targets next time. The cannon would be better to target single creatures such as the Werewolves and Vampire as ball did little to slow the dead advance.
The likes of the Werewolves and Vampire perhaps need a couple of "supporters" to keep them in play a little longer.

Plenty to think about whilst I plan up the next games.
I am sure the make up of forces will be different as the Spanish look to clear the hamlet of barnford in the next encounter which will give them a base of operations or will they be beaten back and be forced to fit with their backs to the sea.


  1. Great looking game Stu and I just love what you are doing with this period:)

  2. Great report on a fun looking game Stu...looking forward to more of this, and to seeing QE1 involved at some stage!

  3. Off to a cracking start Stuart.

  4. Fab looking game. Thanks for the battle report!
