
Sunday, February 09, 2020

Dispatches from the front V

It's been a busy couple of weeks since the last dispatch from the front, unfortunately painting to a ground to a halt due to real life distractions and a lack of pikes, but more on that later. 

Over at the wyverns we have been bolstered by a couple of new club members, the club always struggles in the winter months with membership dropping to around break even point and just as you begin to question the commercial sense in running in it's present form we seem to get extra's to bolster our number.

Step up not one but two new members both with an interest in Napoleonic's amongst other things. So we thought we would ease them in with a run through of Sharp Practice and very close it was to, a classic game where the turn of a card or pull of chit made all the difference, the French had been on a foraging mission, the British were slow to react and watched as the French grabbed their loot and ran before they could get their charge in.

A close run thing and everyone had a great time.

Elsewhere Battlestar Galactica was given a run out - very nice.

If anyone fancies coming along on a club night we are based just outside Worcester and meet on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month you can find the club site here.

As a Christmas present I was signed up for the Worcester ghost walk, It amazed what you can learn about your own city, from the tunnels that shipped the defeated army of Charles II to the river after the battle of Worcester, to the Ghost of King John's dancing bears.

One of the most interesting stories was the head of Oliver Cromwell on the Guildhall complete with devil horns. The suggestion was that he sold his soul to the devil for victory at the Battle of Worcester and 7 years good fortune.
He died on the 3rd Sept 1658 - 7 years to the day of the Battle of Worcester.
I had heard the story before but did not know we went as far as adding him to a civic building,  I am definitely pinching that story for the Elizabethan Zombie Campaigns.

V is back...
Ok it's a re-run of the follow up TV series which was seriously short of budget and used much of the stock footage of the original mini-series but hey it's a good watch although it does tend to drive everyone else out of the room when it's on.
You can catch it on Forces TV if you have satellite or free view.

We also gave Zombicide Invaders a run out, some interesting mechanics beyond Black Plague. Iam not sure it moves the gaming experience on much. In it's desire to shorten the game play it seems to have lost something along the way, you are straight into super weapons and a serious number of infected... the beauty of the earlier editions was the build up of tension as you went and the need to build up your armoury... still it was good to give it a try...

The pikes from Foundry finally turned up yesterday I ordered them in their New Year sale but there was a stock issue. I can now crack on with the pike units for February's painting challenge, but what's with the packaging?

Surely an envelope would have been enough?

Right back to the brushes....


  1. I'm glad you've got some new memebers for the club and you've got a nice mix of stuff on the go. I'll check out Forces TV just to see how good or bad 'V' actually was...

    1. Steve it is bad to be honest…. I have more visitors than the extras in the TV series, the mini series is great, the TV show not so much....

  2. You have so my interesting hobbies on the go. Played through the Invader tutorial the other day, still getting to grips with it.

    1. Not as good as Black Plague in my opinion Michael, I was hoping for more Aliens than a PC shooter up....

  3. Good to hear. Tbf find motivation to go out when the weather is crap and it's dark quite hard.

  4. A nice little pot pourri of topics and games there Stu....look forward to seeing some of your V games again soon. I wonder what the carbon footprint of that box of pikes was?!😄

    1. So did I, just watching the series on TV now, I think my games are better than the series :-)

  5. Doh! I’ve got stacks of pikes.
