
Friday, February 07, 2020

King Rat.

Another cheap purchase from e-bay and additional forces for the forces of Darkness. He is from the Bushido Miniatures range and comes with a horde of black rats to keep him company.

With the dead nailed into the plague houses and the plague pits full to the brim, it is unsurprising that other evils creatures were likely to evolve or rise out of dark magic conjured up by the witches.

Is this a new enemy or an unholy alliance?
Either way the streets are no place to walk alone with the King Rat and his hordes spilling out from cellars and ruins. 

You never know he might just get an outing next weekend.


  1. Yuck....I REALLY HATE Rats! You have done a good job on the Rat King though Stu!

    1. Just a filler whilst I await a back order from Foundry... :-)

  2. Yep, I hate rats too. Makes me shiver everytime I see one. That aside a lovely model with a great paint job.

  3. Nice find. Have you seen the Victorian wererats that Westwind do?
