
Thursday, November 05, 2020

Dispatches from the front XIII - Lock down special.

Locked down, Locked in, Locked up....Well it's only month right.... 
Day 1.

First up.....time to stock pile.. nope not toilet rolls or pasta but Foundry, Newline and Scarab to keep me going over the next month. With the first Egyptian game put back to December time to fill the ranks with some extra's...
Scarab's Ramesses II is a touch on the large side but he is a living a god so can probably justify the extra height. Before these hit the paint table I need to crack the first of the Egyptian chariots.

Meanwhile much like a supermarket delivery slot I managed to secure an order from Pete at Baccus, an early Christmas present and the start of next years project - 6mm Pony Wars, a very very little project for next year.

We managed to slip in a final game before lock down an adventure to the Barbary Coast. A great table to play on and a fun encounter using Sharp Practice

I played Keiff al Vaz some would say a terrible pirate but I would argue a successful businessman and man of the people. Just ask my band of jolly pirates !!!!

The British Marines came to interfere in our business interests by sending in row boats full of sailors and Infantry. The Brits had to storm the beach, secure the fort and rescue the prisoners a tough ask but they went at it in true style.

But the pirates were having none of it and defended the fort with cannon and musket and lots of wallah's with pointy sticks to defend the village.

A great days gaming with the battle raging across the beachhead and coastal village. In the end it came down to whose morale would last the longest.

The pirates nicked it in the final round securing the slaves in the compound including Lady Sarah Boyles and forcing the plucky Brits to get back on there boats.

To help while away the winter evenings I found a great Korean series on Netflix - Kingdom.
Shogun meets the Walking Dead what's not to like and perfect timing after the recent Water Margin outing.

Inspiration for a couple of Elizabethan Zombie solo outings in the weeks ahead and perhaps a quick order to the 1st Corps for a few extra's for the Sung Chinese.

This was an interesting find on Kickstarter and rather timely as additional inspiration for the Elizabethan Zombie Wars. The Dee Sanction. I don't play as many RPG's but this has some potential good ideas for scenario's.

A tabletop roleplaying game about serving Queen and country in the late Tudor period, in a time where kingdoms vie for power, the Church splinters under the pressure of reform, and creatures of folklore emerge from enforced hiding seeking revenge against those who imprisoned them.

You're a bad person — sentenced to hang for dabbling in magic — given a chance to redeem yourself and earn freedom in service to Queen Elizabeth's newest line of defence.

You can find more details here.

I spotted this on Laphams Quarterly and thought it was worth re-posting which could add a little colour to games. If you have not come across Lapham's before it's well worth taking a look if you are interested in oddities in history. I must be able to weave this into the forthcoming games or the Kickstarter above.

For those that are interested and once we are allowed outside again this is a great source of interesting places to visit on your door step.

Something to look forward to in the spring.....


  1. Well you have stocked up for lockdown Stu! I look forward to seeing how these recent purchases progress. The game looks fantastic and really shows off 28mm skirmish gaming at its best. There's lots of good stuff on Netflix from Korea and China, with some from India too, if you can get past the romance and dancing bits!

    1. I know what you mean Steve not to mention the hammy acting on the stuff from the early 80's. Kingdom is great perhaps better than the likes of the Walking Dead in terms of story line. Certainly got me thinking about perhaps adding some extra's to the Song project.

  2. A lovely looking game, colourful and exciting.
    Looks like a mighty stockpile for you to enjoy working through too!
    Regards, James

    1. At least until Christmas James.... who said wargamers were difficult to buy for... :-)

  3. Hi Stuart- Glad your preparing and getting well stocked for your Hobby -to get through this next round of Lockdown- Best wishes to you and your friends in this difficult time. Regards. KEV.

    1. Thanks Kev and to you..
      I hope your Laserburn consignment lands soon.

  4. A great resupply to help get you through the next four weeks Stu. Personally, I did not find our four week lock down in April much of a challenge - but then, I was genuinely able to work from home and with a lot of our customers closed down, I had a lot less noise and hassle to deal with. One of our gaming mates has spent months at home, painting away as he participates in Teams or Zoom meetings with the camera off - a win win! The pirate game looks great - the image of the sailors and marines in their landing boats is very inspiring. Poor Lady Sarah will just have to hope the next rescue mission goes better!

    1. PS - meant to acknowledge the tiny Pony Wars figures - they look great and in that scale, bands of 100 hostiles will be much more feasible - will be interesting to see them in action sometime!

    2. Your Post was perfect timing Keith, I always fancied the Pony Wars rules but 600 braves was a touch too many in 15 or 28mm and the size of the table. But 6mm I recon would easily fit on a 6x4 table.

    3. Certainly managed to based a far few figures under zoom camera, although they must have thought it odd last week, when I may have pointed with a paint brush rather than a pen :-)

  5. Great looking projects and pre-lockdown gaming, Stu. Stay safe and healthy.

    1. Thanks Dean busy day your side of the pond...
      Keep safe.

  6. Such a lot of good stuff going on, lockdown is a pain but we must make the most of it.👍
