
Tuesday, November 03, 2020

Infamy Infamy meets the Water Margin.....

The last club before lock down.... let's hope we can be back F2F gaming in a month....

After the recent run of LOTR games it got me thinking about making a few minor adaptions for the Water Margin project, they have not been out of the box for a while and the mix of heroes and units would transfer well to ancient China.

So the last game at the club saw the heroes of Liangshan Marsh attempting to hold off the government forces who are looking to rescue the evil tax collector who has been pressuring the local population. The rebels had him holed up in the hide out to secure a confession.

Backed by Mongolian mercenaries it looked like a quick capture for Kao Chiu as his troops marched directly towards the rear of the compound. But Lin Chung had other ideas and moved quickly to defend the house.

The riders of Liangshan Po crossed the stream to counter the mercenaries heading there way flanking them as they marched through the corn field.

Sung Chiang - The Good Judge lead reinforcements from their deployment point behind the rice field, they rushed forward knowing that government forces were already at the hide out.

In the court yard Lin Chung fought was an impossible number of Imperial soldiers, he was wounded but held his ground killing several of their number. But slowly was forced back as their numbers began to tell.

Kao Chiu looked to skirt the courtyard and enter the house from the main entrance, but was met by Lu-Ta the Flower priest who sent him packing with a number of blows.

The heroes of Liangshan Po were forced from the house, whilst carrying a number of wounds they could not recover enough stamina (shock) to attack again and had to watch helplessly as the military started to break in. however the armed mob had finally reached the hide out and were rushing to confront the government forces.

As Kao Chis limped back from the front line the cavalry finally made an appearance and rode him down as he attempted to cross the stream.

Once again the walled garden gate was fought over as the men of the marsh attacked the imperial defenders. The attacker had become the defender.

Having danced around the stand of pine tree's the cavalry's mobility finally told and a good turn of the cards and they caught the Mongolian's in the flank pushing them backwards driving the Government Force Morale to Zero. 

A great game and good way to finish the month as we prepare to be barricaded in doors for a month.

It got me thinking about bolstering the ranks a little bit with an order to 1st Corp for a couple more foot units and some government cavalry, something else to add to the paint queue. Lot's of projects on the go at the moment.... Great to have an immersive hobby in these very odd times.


  1. A great report on a fun game Stu - the rules look interesting, with the mix of individual characters and units. I totally agree with you about our hobby - being stuck at home for a month is much less of a challenge when you have something constructive and entertaining to do - I cant imagine what its like for people whose whole life revolves around constantly being on the go, out and about socialising or playing sport etc! Just hope the lead pile is big enough to keep you occupied! Take care and stay safe.

    1. Your not wrong Keith, loads of projects buzzing around at the moment, I managed to top up the lead pile this week in preparation for the shut down which should keep me going to Christmas.

  2. I loved the Water Margin tv series, so this AAR brings back so many happy memories. Stay safe!

    1. And you Steve, I am tempted by the remake but the original has a certain charm to it....

  3. Looks and sounds like a top game as your last in-person outing for a bit.
    All the best, James

  4. Splendid game Stuart and like many of a certain age I remember the series well. Great to see it brought to the table which I don’t think I have seen before. This is food for thought for yet another project ? Although I don’t need one at the moment. As for lock down as long, as I can keep cycling I feel my wargaming hobby will get me through.👍

    1. Very true Matt agreed I have never seen it gamed before... but I am partial to the rather odd projects :-)
      Hopefully this short fire break will get us back to face to face gaming.

  5. Hi Stuart- Good that you and your Friends managed a few Club Games again before going back into Lockdown. When will this pandemic end? We've just about got it beat here in Australia...what about the UK, Europe and the USA? The numbers involved seem to be sky-rocketing. Stay safe and well there Stuart. Regards. KEV.

    1. Thanks Kev.
      Challenging times for sure... not sure zoom and the like cuts it for me, I guess it's back to the brushes until we are released, good job I have a backlog going back 20 years to help me get through.
