
Wednesday, March 18, 2020

The Elizabethan Zombie Chronicles #4 - Escape from London

I fear this could be the last game for a while and somehow the Zombie Chronicles feels a little bit more real...

Anyhow on with the story...

After the Spanish began to aim a foothold on English soil the Queen of England was facing her worst crisis yet. London was slowly falling under the weight of the dead. From streets and alleys they came an ever ending stream of resin and freshly turned.
It was time to leave London the Queen taking her body guard and trusted advisors and planned to head for Windsor.

On the outskirts of the city the defenders manned the barricades awaiting the horde to descend. They needed to buy time for the Queen to escape the city.

The Begley Trained Band held the line, their pikes formed a solid mass of sharpened spikes to hold back the evil tide.

The Queen awaited in the nearby courtyard as Captain Walter Pasco and his bodyguard stood guard.

The dead advance on the outskirts of the city shambling across the open fields seeking out the living, shot thins the ranks but still they come.

Meanwhile on the London road the dead reach the barricade and the Begley Trained Band, they held their ground as wave upon wave of the dead smashed themselves against the defenders. The barricade held as the dead were piled high.

Hidden amongst the ranks of the dead, the werewolves rushed forwards tearing into the defenders who had so valiantly held the line.

The English held. The Wolves were dispatched and the defenders returned to the task of slowing the tide of the risen, Her Majesty the Queen flanked by her escort came forwards to slip out of the city before it fell to the risen. 

Out numbered 8:1 the English had held the line, but it will be a long road to Windsor.

A fun encounter bringing the English into the campaign, the newly formed and painted Pike unit were tough to kill when behind a barricade, I could have been a little more tactical with the dead but figured it would be better if they just threw themselves at the defenders rather than looking for gaps in the line.

Right back to brushes, there will be plenty more dead when we next see the English or Spanish on the table.


  1. Great to see the English get in on the action and hope you are able to get some form of gaming in.

  2. Zombies at push of pike.....neat

  3. Fantastic to see Good Queen Bess and her bodyguards hit the you plan to game each stage if their journey to Windsor? I must admit, the mental connection between a zombie apocalypse and the current state of the world did suggest itself to me as well!

    1. Yi just had to come back and remark on the case of life imitating art (or wargaming anyway) having just seen film of Queen Elizabeth II departing London for.........Windsor! LOL

    2. I just had to come back to remark on the case of life imitating art(or wargaming anyway) as I just watched a news report of Queen Bess II departing London for...........Winsor! LOL

    3. Just had to return to remark on the case of life imitating art (or war gaming at least) as I have just seen a news report of Queen Bess II departing London for...........Windsor! LOL.

    4. Well you never know Keith, I have a wagon to paint so might have to get Phillip to drive :-)

  4. Lovely game Stu! Stand fast against the hordes of infected! So fantasy and so real...

    1. Your not wrong Bart.... Here's hoping its the same outcome.

  5. Good game. You can't have the undead thinking. They're brain-dead!

    1. Very true.... wait until they hit the vampire.....

    2. I'll be waiting to see what happens if that happens. Good campaign
