
Sunday, March 15, 2020

Zombie Pikemen - Antediluvian Miniatures.

Despite the disappointment of missing Hammerhead it's been a pretty good weekend on the brushes.
Plenty of prep on the last of the Fire Forge Games - Forgotten Realms kickstarter, villagers, both live and dead, I also got to finish the last of the recent kickstarter from Antediluvian Miniatures.

More Conquistador in style than Pikemen but I figured they fit and painted up to match the recent output, it gives the bad guys something a little tougher, what they lack in attacking power they will be harder to kill (again).

That's the last from last years kickerstarter painted. It will be interesting to see if they expand this range. The Zombies are a little on the thin side, but they fit in well with the wider collection.

Meanwhile as the paint dried on the armoured zed's I got to work on the last of the beguiled villagers and recently turned. These should be hitting the paint table in the week ahead.

This should give me 3-4 more units for the forces of darkness, which should be plenty for the humans to chop and hack through. After the last encounter we have made a tweak to the Zombie rules to get them to stick around on the tabletop a little longer. Ignoring the excess pins to destroy them, which should tie down more human units whilst not increasing the number of kills the Zombies achieve.

So still plenty to do if we have to spend 2 weeks locked in doors.

In the words of Simon Pegg - "Let's go down Ye Olde Winchester, have a nice pint of ale and wait for this all to blow over"

Stay Safe all.


  1. Nice looking zombie additions Stu

    1. Looks like we will all get some extra painting time in over the next few weeks.

  2. All looking good and if the worst happens, many gamers are planning on attacking the lead piles!

    1. Soft tone arrived this morning Steve...

  3. Nice work and I think I might join you at the Winchester !

    1. I suspect its the safest place Matt. Oh hang on they have been shut :-(
