
Thursday, April 30, 2020

Kampfgruppe Stickler #4 - Honig's Crossing.

The higher ups had scraped together enough armour for a counter attack but first the engineers had to check to see if the ford was passible for the tanks. Stickler had been sent forward to protect the survey party.
As the engineers plotted the course of the river, Stickler rushed his two infantry sections across the ford, including the newbie Gunter Honig and his home guard, the old men and young boys, stared at each other nervously.

Meanwhile he led his heavy weapon section forwards to the high ground over looking the woodland to the East. The wheeled vehicles could not cross the ford and took the long way round.

To Stickler's surprise Russian scout units appeared on the horizon BA64's rushed forward with Infantry in support. The thinly armoured cars rattled forwards towards the Germans rushing to take up defensive positions.

The new man Honig debussed his rag-tag section as the Russian armoured car rushed forwards, grabbing the only sections only Pz Faust he aimed the anti-tank weapon and knocked out the Soviet tin can. 

On the right flank the second armoured car was having better luck it had caught the defenders setting up their HMG and was rattling away with it's own LMG.

Despite the set back of losing the armoured car the Russian infantry continued there advance.

The BA64 was becoming a problem with limited AT weapons the Germans could only sit tight as the bullets flew. The Radio Operator got Regimental Headquarters on the line and called in support from a battery of 105's a several hundred meters behind the lines.

Massively underestimated the coverage of the Artillery it covered the hill top falling on friend and foe alike. Troops of both sides had received several pin markers, Larrs Kapp's section was caught in the open and lost a number of men to their own shells.

Meanwhile a Russian section succeeded in by passing the German defenders and appeared from the tree line over looking the engineers at the ford. The survey team dived for cover as the Russians stopped them from finishing their work. (The survey team needed to amass 20 points, each turn the Germans roll a 1D6 if not under fire.)

Konig's section moved forward to counter the advancing Russians, the second armoured car having escaped unharmed from the artillery barrage faced off against his militia men. A red mist took over him and he he urged his men forward attempting to throw grenades through the open hatches. But the BA64 was to fast. But it beat a hasty retreat beat back by the WW1 veterans.

The Russian assault was blunted  as Stickler pulled in the halftracks to force the Soviets back.

Meanwhile Kapp's section reordered themselves after the friendly fire and were able to get a bead on the Armour Car ripping open the paper thin armour of the BA64.

The loss of the vehicle pushed the Russian morale to breaking point and the engineers were able to complete their task.

Stickler has lost 3 from both Kapp and Konig's sections but the Soviets had been pushed back. It comes to something when half your casualties are from your own side.
Konig had been a real asset. not bad for an old man.....

Meanwhile back at HQ - the Battalion Adjudant pulled Stickler aside. "Stickler I have a mission for you".

NEXT WEEK - A deadly mission.


  1. This is a great little campaign Stu and as you mentioned, it reads just like a script from one of the weekly comics that used to be around back in the day.....NEXT WEEK A deadly it!

    1. Cheers Keith it's certainly keeping the painting momentum going.

  2. Great game and enjoying the narrative campaign. Wonder if stickler will ever find his way to Stalingrad ?

    1. Now that would be a painting challenge... :-)

  3. Great game and linteresting to see what next weeks mission is.

    1. all on a roll of a dice Steve :-)

  4. Splendid gaming, Stu. You've certainly convinced me to look at 15mm for Bolt Action.
