
Sunday, May 03, 2020

Red Phoenix - Reinforcements and a nagging doubt.

Another project down.... 
Varnished yesterday but technically finished in 'Small scale' April.

Having completed a number of extra's a few weeks ago I finally cleared down the last castings for the Red Phoenix Project, with a further 10 MBT's for both the North and South.
The beauty of 6mm is that you can churn through armour relatively quickly, the creation of the bases takes longer than the vehicles themselves.

Now why did these take so long in the first place?
Well I think they are FAKE...!!!

I remember buying them off e-bay several years ago advertised as GHQ models. But looking closely at the castings they don't seem as crisp as some of the genuine models. 
The track details on the new model on the left is lacking in detail and the barrel is rather weak and flexible which suggests a poor quality metal.

It did get me wondering just how many fakes are on the market?
Flicking through the auction pages on e-bay many sellers seem to be fellow gamers selling on collections but who can really tell?


  1. Nice work ..............and I have thought about ‘fakes’ especially across some of my dark age figures but sometimes think they are the company reworking the moulds and upgrading metals ?

    1. Could well be Matt.
      The metal quality felt a little weak, but they painted up ok.

  2. Painting armour in 6mm is so fast as you say. Getting a nice makes a big difference, especially for the smaller AFVs like Scorpions. As for fakes, a friend bought ready painted figures from a seller in China and they were obviously copies of AB Miniatures. A shame but it happens more than we care to think about.

    1. Very true Steve. you would not have thought the market or margin was big enough?

  3. Your models look really nice!

    The GHQ models may not be fakes. I recently added a lot of new models to my older stuff dating back to 1982, and as I was repainting some of it, began to notice multiple generations of changes to the sculpts. I also noticed it a little in some C in C models. There are changes to Leopard IIs, T-64s, and I believe the proportions of CinC's BMP1 turrets.

    With the GHQ, I noticed that on some that the basic hulls would appear more or less the same, but the tracks would be much less detailed on some older models. With other hull/turret detail might change a little, or proportions would change, some being more squat than others. I noticed this with BRDMs seemingly from both manufacturers.

    1. Thanks IS I guess that will teach me to pick T55's and T62's :-)
      Good insight they look ok painted up, but would hate to think I was not funding the genuine manufacturer.

  4. Good work Stu at least you have painted all the armour you have to hand. I can't comment on the fakes issue...I did have some GHQ stuff 30 years ago and recall it seemed superior to Skytrex or Ros equivalents, but Irishserb seems to have better evidence based knowledge. I am sure there is a % of the stuff out there that is fraudulent copies but how big the % is, who knows?

    1. Agreed Keith, I would doubt the market was big enough, but you just never know these days.

  5. job today All burger flippers just lost their jobs.
