
Sunday, September 13, 2020

Infamy Infamy Leaders Command Markers - Hittite Leaders.

Short on painting time this week, well actually still staring at the block of 24 archers, have been undercoated and base coloured applied, perhaps one regiment at a time is too much of a stretch and I need to build up to it.

I thought I would treat myself and switch to finishing a couple of the leaders for the Hittites and the new custom Warbases movements tray's.

As mention in my previous post I wanted to include room for a dice marker to either record their status or record shock or wounds. They also needed a place for the name so players could easily identify the correct leaders.

A little bit of trial and error and I found the correct font and scale to drop the leaders name in at the back of the tray, I opted for generic leader titles 1- 8 so they could cross periods. Paul over at Move a long nothing to see. suggested backing the names with magnetic card so they could be interchangeable. That's definitely on the to do list. See that's why it's great to have the club house back open again :-)

The figures are from Warlords Hittite range, lovely castings both wearing bronze scale armour, I am on the look out for more warrior type leaders for both the Hittites and the Egyptians most offerings seem to be quite static and I need a couple in more heroic poses to lead the close combat troops.

8 bases a side complete.
Now I just need the trips to fill out the leaders and mass ranks...


  1. Those not only look great but should work a treat.

    1. My brain is starting to forget status levels Steve, so these will definitely help :-)
      Shame about the Cotswold Day - fingers crossed for the spring.

  2. Very nice looking leader figures and the individual movement trays look lovely - great work all around Stu!

    1. Just need to paint up enough toys to give them the run out.

  3. Great idea and lovely finish! Warbases made a great job!

    1. Really pleased with the outcome and agreed Warbases are great to do business with.

  4. Oh, very nice, Stu. Beautifully painted figures on clean looking bases.
