
Wednesday, September 09, 2020

Dispatches from the front XI

It's been a couple of months since the last dispatches post.

Things seem to have slowed a little in recent weeks, hopefully this will change with the club re-opening albeit adopting social distancing measures, but it will be good to catch up with the guys about future projects and ideas for games to come....

After the recent commission for new terrain and the Wadi from Two Shed Fred, I thought I would carry on the theme with some new leader bases for Infamy Infamy and Sharp Practice.

Great service from Warbases, I asked them to create a single figure movement tray with space for a name and a dice slot to cover perhaps shock or wounds. A couple of e-mails chatting through the potential layout and a few days later the following arrive.

Really pleased with these and perfect for future games. The cut out block can be overlaid on to the base to represent figures unconscious or wounded or other similar in game markers.  

It would be a shame to not make use of the postal rates so I topped up the order with extra movement trays and shock templates, so now fully stocked up from Warbases and Minibits I just need to get paint on metal.

So coming soon more shock bases for the Egyptians for Infamy Infamy.

Having recently completed the Wargames, Solders and Strategy Great Wargaming  Survey, the discount voucher for Karwansaray prompted me to order a couple of extra's in the shape of Ancient Warfare Magazine. Each one is tailored towards a period or race. 

The magazines for the Hittites and Egyptians is full of interesting articles and plenty of eye candy to help keep the painting juices flowing.

Most of us wargamers are creatures of habit and today marks a significant change in my paint table layout... I have been using the same paint pots for around 20 years but have been restricted to batches of 10 to 12 figures. I have decided to switch to bottle tops which gives me more figures to paint at any one time.

However having been conditioned to paint in 10-12's doubling that to around 26 feels like a stretch to far, although it was pointed out to me by a good friend of mine that whilst it might be monotonous to paint 26 belts, spears, swords etc, etc. I would finish a regiment in one go rather than in three separate batches.

My question to the collective is how many is usual and how many is too many?
Staring at the mass of White in front of me it feels like I should be increasing in smaller numbers?
I guess the next couple of weeks will tell.

Meanwhile the planned Narnia campaign has been replaced by a switch to Middle Earth and an expansion of the Lord of the Rings games, I just hope my performance is better than the last game or the Orc's will be in Hobbiton before Christmas.

That's it for now. Those Hittites won't paint themselves...


  1. I'll do batches of up to 24 15mm or 20mm figures at a go. 24 does always feel like a bit of a hike though. Cutting back to 12 or 16 in a group makes the work feel like a real sprint though.

    Those new bases are pretty cool. Nice work.

    1. Thanks Ski, finding that I am now doing smaller subgroups just to get these over the line.

  2. Hi Stu...I think we already had this conversation but I have not painted 12 figures together for a long time, Now, I prefer to paint one base/element at a time - with my mean Scottish genes that's usually 2 cav or 3 infantry but sometimes it is 4 infantry. I feel its easier to keep going if you are making constant progress. I always do them in multiples of how they will be based, that's for sure....but even 12 sounds like a lot to me these days! I am looking forward to the arrival of my skirmish level Border Reivers, who I intend to paint individually, one per night, and try to give them bags of character....

    1. I found myself paint 4 completely to give me sight of the finished items... whilst they lack equipment, they are a little bland :-(
      Probably looking to switch to chariots now there is a challenge.

  3. Great looking goodies for your current projects, Stu. I've been using dropper bottles (mostly Vallejo) for a longtime now - when I switched from craft store acrylics - also squeeze bottle. I like squeezing out a bit of different colors on a palette for mixing. As far as batches of figures - I usually do whatever the unit size is - for foot, usually 24; cavalry about 8-12 - I spray the horses with browns and grays to speed up the process.

    1. Thanks dedication Dean... good job it's not Gliders big Battalions of 48 :-)
      Interesting point about the horses.
