
Saturday, September 05, 2020

Lord of the Rings. - Day of Trolls. Infamy Infamy Rules.

After the attack at Hegakson the forces of man set off for home, there was a cold chill in the air as signs of Orc's were everywhere. Time would be of the essence if they were to get out in one piece. 

With high ground to the East the Rohan elected to skirt the hills and headed down the left flank, when out of the tall grass a units of Orcish warriors and bowmen appeared blocking there path. The riders of Rohan cantered forward throwing their spears as they lined up for a charged to clear the nasty blockage easy pickings so early in the encounter.

The Orc's were having none of it and out of the wooded hill the mass ranks of spearmen marched down the slope, Rohan warriors rushed forward to counter the latest threat. That was a lot of pikes.

The trap is sprung.

The Rohan should have known better drawn into the easy prey they had strayed to close to the woods and from out of the woods charged a troll, filled with blood lust and fervour it crashes into the flank of the cavalry tearing into the the units and breaking them, wounding Godmir who is forced to fall back wounded.

Godmir and his men hardly had time to draw breath when berserkers burst from the ranks of warriors driving back the skirmishers and the remainder of the cavalry, the force morale fell to 5 without a single orc casualty. 

Despite the set back on the left flank, the close order well drilled and training men of Gondor would be sure to drive the foul smelling creatures from the field. They knew that their closed ranks would protect them from the evil mob straining at the leash.

The men of Rohan secured the flank protecting the closely packed infantry from attack by Warg riders when another troll rushed down the hillside towards their exposed flank.

The human commander was beginning to think that the wagon might not get through today. The troll sacrificed points of fervour to reach the warriors, who were unable to use their drill to counter the charge or throw their spears.

Out numbered by attack dice of more than 4:1 the lightly armoured foot troops ran from the charging creature. The human force morale slipped below zero and the battle was lost within two turns.

A disaster from start to finished, the forces of men lost numerous casualties in the ambush and yet more in the rout that was the follow, Orc casualties were less than 5 

The Orc commander smirked as he chewed on fresh horse flesh.....

Another interesting encounter and a sound lesson in the importance in scouting terrain and not being drawn into a rash attack on light troops. With a campaign planned in the coming weeks, the scouring of the shire again could be a real possibility.


  1. Wow, that was quick! But a lesson learnt and a lovely looking game.

  2. Very cool use of the rules, Stu. Wonderful figures and terrain.

    1. Good fun Dean, better than the games workshop offering.....

  3. Those Orcs are starting to annoy me - time they got a bloody good smacking next time I think!

    1. Tell me about it Keith, however I fear it won't be the next game... A mounted patrol and out numbered 2:1.

  4. Amazing battle. I haven't try those rules yet, but they seems to be a lot of fun.

    1. Really good Bart... some nice mechanics and very different to Sharp Practice.

  5. I'd definitely be interested in your notes on the Infamy rules.
