
Thursday, April 29, 2021

Dispatches from the front XVIII - Cracking open the War Chest.

Blimey this coming out of lockdown is tiring, some many things to do before we even get into proper gaming, But plenty of pub garden planning to get the juices following as we enter into the summer months. 

The recent sell off of older projects has given me a war chest for gaming.... just don't tell the boss.

First up after a good chat with Fred at Two Shed's Fred, about some purpose built 6mm paddy fields and roads for the Red Phoenix Project for Korea and who knows maybe a dabble into Vietnam..... 
Great communication and service from Fred and Emily, well worth checking them out.

These were the first mock up's of the paddy fields, just what I had in mind high banks and a mix of water filled and planted. I can't wait to see these in the flesh in the coming weeks.

Custom orders is becoming quite a thing, as the Infamy and Sharp Practice games get larger I wanted to expand the Big Men in games. The guys at Blotz already had 1-10 but not some of the additional counters needed for Too Fat Lardies games. They have now created generic flags and an end of turn counter.

These are available on the Blotz Website

Meanwhile the prep for the Plains Wars continues apace, I did consider painting them on their sprues but in the end opted for mounting them on their bases adding in the filler and sand to allow me paint them in situ. My thinking was that the basing and dry brushing was likely to have landed on the painted figures... With over 100 stands, it looks rather daunting, but should be ok if I break them down into the sub units as tackling all in one go would be madness......   

With a change in the Covid regulations and being allowed to meet in each others gardens plans are underway to restart the LOTR campaign. It's been several months since any dice have been rolled, let's hope the hiatus results in some better results for the good guys as the forces of Mordor have had it their own way for the opening rounds.

If all of this was not enough a couple of extra's dropped on the mat to top up the painting queue. A few extra's from Warlord and Warbases for the Kings of Bronze and the Water Margin projects.

Meanwhile a couple of items coming up on the radar - The Stargrave Nickstarter was successful prompted plenty of interest in the gaming community with starter sets and freebee's. I only opted for the rules but have a couple of ideas.

Could it see a resurgence in the following... which have been off the table for more years than I care to remember.

Meanwhile one to keep an eye on in the days ahead, I have always be tempted by the French Foreign Legion and the latest 1898 Miniatures release looks very nice.
Initially six groups, 2 Command, others marching, skirmishing and firing,  I have the terrain but need to see what they have planned for the Arabs, I could cannibalise some of the Ottoman forces from the Napoleonic games, but really want to see what is planned and if they mix with other ranges on the market.

You can see more here. (20+) 1898 Miniaturas | Facebook

Lots to keep me occupied in the weeks ahead.


  1. Lots of nice work and hobby stuff to keep you busy 👍

    1. Your so right Matt, perhaps next time all wargamers could lock down together...

  2. You've got plenty of options there Stu and you'll certainly be a busy bee!

    1. Wargame butterfly in full effect :-)

  3. Great additions and future plans Stu - I am looking forward to seeing your Plains Wars collection proceed - I dont think I could have been bothered with the hassle of painting them pre based, so it will be interesting to see how that goes for you!

    1. It's just a mass of black now... one step at a time. The flip between the 28mm and 6mm is a challenge... old eyes I am afraid :-(

  4. Wow that's a lot. Good luck!
