
Sunday, April 25, 2021

The Elizabethan Zombie Chronicles #7 - The Dee Sanction & The line Must Hold.

The latest kick starter dropped on the mat last week in the form of the Dee Sanction. A Standalone RPG of Elizabethan supernatural investigation where players take on the role of characters aiding John Dee in the fight against dark malevolent forces.

The perfect compliment for the on going Zombie Chronicles and the prompt to give the Spanish a run out on the new table.

On the far side of Barnford - Alvar Fanez had been extending his earth works and readying his men for an attack from the forces of darkness.

Supplies were in short supply and the men's morale was low, a few had been caught stealing from the warehouses in the town, surly these good Catholic souls would not be conspiring with the those evil beings, a night in the stocks should sort them out. 

Dawn on the 2nd and the cadavers shambled forwarded supported by evil doers on broomsticks. Let's hope the earthworks are high enough. Fanez took his place in the line amongst his men.

On eastern side of town Fanez had not had time to prepare barricades he hoped the noise and movement on the main road would be enough to distract this opposite number.

In the northwest corned under the magical control of one of the witches the dead found a gap in the line.

Wolves raced out from the tree line seeing a gap in the livings defences as they shifted to support the north wall.

On the eastern edge of town yet more undead stumbled from the fields towards the open road, black power filled the air as the defenders shot down a number of the risen. But wave after wave slowly wore them down, the troops broke and ran into the town.

With a gap in the line the early morning sun was blocked by the death of crows swooping down on the remaining defenders. The troops on the earth works were unaware that the town was wide open.....

Stay tuned for #8 and the escape from Barnford.....

Itching to give this a try with a couple of living opponents, with the pub gardens open, some spring sunshine a few more weeks and finally some face to face gaming.....


  1. Very cool, Stu. The period did see a lot of superstitious beliefs, so not too far-fetched of a scenario. :)

    1. I wanted to keep it vaguely historical Dean, none of your Demons and chaos craziness.

  2. Replies
    1. Could do with a few real humans in the war room... :-)

  3. Lovely looking game and a great addition of period flavour:)

    1. Thanks Steve. Looking forward to seeing you at Keith's bash.

  4. Great stuff Stu....your Elizabethan adventures are one of my favourites...look forward to reading what Haines next!

    1. A few more scenario's to play out yet.

  5. Great game! You've got to love any game that enables you to kill zombies- and with an historical flavour too!

    1. Very true John, but o for a chainsaw :-)
