
Sunday, July 11, 2021

Kings of Bronze #3 Counter Attack

It's been a few weeks since the last outing, time to get back to the Middle East and Overseer Huharmati's campaign.

Following on from the last game having defeated the Egyptians attack on Al Shebbeh it was time to strike back and a counter attack to push the oppressors. Terrain and enemy forces rolled for randomly to mirror those of the Hittites.

Overseer Huharmati's selected forces, a mixed force of spear, archer, chariots and this time bolstered by a unit of Royal Guard.

Keen to grab the centre ground, the Hittite spears advance protected by the scrub land as the Egyptian chariots and archers enter the table.

On the right flank NKE and Mercenaries advance to flank the Hittite forces.

Egyptian chariots wheel right to flank the Hittite spearmen who close up to receive any potential charge. Whilst reinforcements pour into the centre to protect the advance guard.

A vicious fight in the centre as the chariots fall back, having blooded the spearmen, both sides move additional infantry forwards.

With a crash of shield the NKE and Hittite close to hand to hand, with both sides supported, the use of leaders and tactics would be critical, alone with that little bit of luck.

Luck is with the Hittites as they force back the Egyptians, they were better protected but could not save their comrades who fell to the attackers. The NKE force morale started to slip.

Tipping point, Sea People mercenaries were caught by a heavy chariot in the open and were routed before they could form up, chalk up another victory for the Hittites.

A quick and bloody encounter.... Nice to get the newer toys on the able and see a proper punch up between the main spear units.

Right back to the brushes.....


  1. Very nice batrep. Always a pleasure to see suck good looking stuff on the tabletop.

  2. Another nice little stoush Stu but once again, the Hittites are victorious....

  3. Nice AAR- there is something so nice about Bronze Age armies!

    1. Could do with a few more chariots... but yes nice looking armies.

  4. That's a top looking game. Your figures look so good out on the table.
    Regards, James
