
Sunday, July 04, 2021

Stargrave - Starship Troopers - #3 Bug hole & #4 The Downed Ship

Real life seems to have gotten in the way of late, output on the blog has been slow and the warm and muggy weather has crippled the painting production line. However I have managed to cram in a few Stargrave games, simply by moving the terrain around from one week to next, I guess one of the benefits of having your own gaming space.

Good news... Patricia Leafy is still alive....

Adapting a couple of the scenario's from the Stargrave rule book to the Starship Troopers Universe, we carried on the linked encounters between the her crew and the Skinnies, who are amassing quite the arsenal of weaponry. 

Game 3 Bug Hole.

Squadron Leader Patricia Leafy of the Missile Ship William E Barber had a point to prove. Having taken over the crew from her sister killed in the first game she was keen to win this encounter and top up the crew's war chest.

The treasure and bug holes were spread across the table, you have to be careful as warrior bugs would occasionally pop up and drag off an unfortunate soul to the lower levels for who knows what...
This time around we opted for some undulating terrain, with rocky outcrops and bug eggs, littering the table.

When a loot token is unearthed a wandering creature is rolled for an what is now being standard the damn things made a bee line for my gang. Barely into the 3rd Round and a Hopper swoops in, Leafy crew waste their activation pouring fire into it.

Wilks with tech pad in hand, breaks the access code to reveal a data treasure, whilst Leafy holds off a Cliff Mite keen on taking a chunk out of the Captain.

The Skinnies rush forwards. quickly grabbing two tokens and heading for the centre of the table.

Their experience is being to tell as the rushed for centre of the table, the crew of the William E Barber struggle to hold them back and watch for wildlife which seems to follow their every move.

But the Skinnies were not having it all their own way, a Warrior Bug pops up and attacks one of the Skinnies just has they broke into one of the last remaining data pods.

The battle for the last token was an all action affair, Leafy had bribed one of the Skinnies who missed from close range, while Boltz II raced forwards sinking his metal teeth into another causing him to miss.

As things looked like both waring gangs could lose 2 or 3 members, the dust storm picked up and the win blew several combatants across the table, both sides retired to count their winnings.

Another win to the skinnies 3:2 but on a Positive note all of the crew of the missile ship had survived.

Game 4 The Downed Ship

With both crew lost in the dust storm, they came across a crashed dropship in the centre of the table. It's weapon systems operation, firing on any target in range.

The key to this encounter was activations with the lowest odd initiative triggering the potential for warrior bugs. Low and behold the game is barely underway and the bugs are chasing Leafy and her team around the table.

As the Arachnid race forwards, Boltz II went into the attack buying time for the crew to get into position, Boltz with put down by one of the Bugs razor sharp claws, he would need some time in the workshop after that foolish attack.

The Skinnies unhindered by Leafy team popped smoke to cover their actions, but the bugs were massing to their rear.

One of the Skinnies fell back from an approaching bug only to be zapped by the dropship who gained a line of sight through the billowing smoke.

One of the Skinnies fell back from an approaching bug only to be zapped by the dropship.

The Skinnies were happy with their loot and left the table unwilling to risk an exchange with the encroaching bugs, leaving Leafy to disable the ships weapon system and escape with the central loot before the bugs could get too close. 

A valiant draw but with the exception of Boltz another round with no losses.
Things are looking up.

A couple of fun encounters, hopefully the next update will have the first of the Pony Wars stuff clear the paint queue.


  1. Lovely looking games Stu:)

    1. Thanks Steve, nice to get some competitive face to face gaming in.

  2. Wow - very cool gaming, Stu. That's a lot of terrain and fun looking models.

    1. One of those rules sets Dean that being caught in the open is not where you want to be :-(

  3. Caption Patricia and her gal pals need to change their deodorant....the one they are using seems to attract every manner of galactic nasty in their direction! At least they seemed to get through their latest adventures without serious loss...phew!

    1. Your so right... I was beginning to think I might have to paint a fresh figure :-)

  4. Good looking table & games! I am sure many of us are saddened with not having some of those bug models available! It's great that Stargrave is miniature agnostic to allow all these old miniatures to be used once again!

    1. Looking on eBay they are going for $50 for 2.... looks like the 50 I have were a great investment.

  5. Great looking games Stu. Those bugs are fab!

    1. Thanks Simon, a few bad rolls and there could have been far more... gulp.
