
Monday, August 30, 2021

Project Red Phoenix - Reinforcements

Well they never made it to the table in time for the game.

However the recent breakout game did prompt me to finish these from the box of shame.

North and South Headquarter stands. I can't recall where the tent came from but it was a useful addition to the Northern HQ along with the spare BTR60 that was lying around in the box.

A mass of infantry bases for both North and South

K1 Heavy Tanks, finally something with a little punch to counter the mass of T55's and T62's.

Transports. The BTR's are new straight out of the blister pack, I have my suspicions that M113's have been drop casted, the detail is a little too soft and the metal has a different feel to what I know to be originals. I do wonder how many fakes are out there?

Then finally heavy artillery SP Guns the K9 Thunder perhaps a touch too modern only coming into service around 1998. These 155mm Guns should help bolster the Southern defences.

To counter that WW2 era North Korean Rocket Batteries, what they lack in accuracy they make up in the sheer volume of rounds that can be put into any fire mission. 

Not a bad effort and nice to have cleared the decks of all the left overs.