
Saturday, September 04, 2021

Operation Jungle Heat - A Stargrave Alley mini campaign - Part 1

The recent run of Stargrave games has sent me down a right rabbit hole, we started chatting about how a well trained faction would fare against local NPC's and next thing you know we are mashing together Stargrave and Ambush Alley for a days gaming...

John Riddick got the call at 07.00 A renowned scientist in the field of FTL hyper drives and his team on were intercepted and forced to the surface of a far flung moon. The professor had a close protect team but the ambush was surgical. Within three minutes the entire detail was dead and the professor and his team were gone.

The bad press of a precision snatch and grab would be bad enough, but the professors know how could give any of the numerous off worlders the edge.

It took less than 8 hours to track down the professor thank heavens for the bio-chip to a jungle camp on the darkside of Garak 6. A known stronghold of the Silvaro clan. The Silvaro clan were a low tech bunch of minor criminals and savengers. Major Damitrius virtual image filled the room, that's the place troopers, when you get there, go in rocking and don't bother knocking.

A simple hostage rescue. In and out, no fuss.

Mission Brief

Riddick's team has been tasked with rescuing him and his team. The strike force must quickly infiltrate the neighbourhood rapidly neutralize resistance in the target building and secure the hostage for either a hover ship or ground evacuation.

The Silvaro clan start with 4 squads each made up of 5 Small Arms and 1 support weapon either a rocket launcher or Heavy Machine Gun. Together with 4 hot spots which would generate additional bad guys whenever any of the players triggered an initiative roll of less than 4 




1 Rocket Launcher


1D3 Small Arms + Co-Pilot


1D3 Small Arms


1 Heavy Machine Gun


1D3 Small Arms + Heavy Machine Gun


1D3 Small Arms + Rocket Launcher


1D6 Small Arms


1D3 Small Arms + ROLL AGAIN


1 Heavy Machine Gun


1D6 Small Arms + Co Pilot + Rocket   Launcher


Jeep + Heavy Weapon

Riddick leads his Reapers up the main road, he orders his squads to skirt the shacks and positions his heavy weapons team to target the first of the hot spots.

The clan get a wake up call as a rocket round lands amongst them.

Riddick was supported by a local detachment of Garak troopers, the blue helmets who had been on the back foot for months and were pleased to be supported by such a fine unit of military superstars.

As the turns ticked by more and more clan members filled the table. 

The first hot spot is cleared and the rescue team head further up the table. The clock was ticking, we had 3 hours to get in and grab the boffin.

The second hot spot would be a tougher nut to crack, a sandbag emplacement filled with clan members armed with carbines and heavy weapons. Riddick ordered the local security forces to deal with these whilst he went for the prof.

In true hollywood fashion Riddick's missileman popped up and firer an AP round it ripped into the truck in the compound scattering a number of the guards.

Riddick popped smoke and his men rushed to cover the vehicle park.

Riddick hunkered down behind the skip, he was in touching distance of the professor but the fire from the clan members was intense.  Riddick had to watch as the professor was dragged away.

Very frustrating. Riddick's team had missed their target by 10 mins and a few meters. 

Lunch...... Now to get the hell out of dodge.......


  1. Great stuff Stu - looks like the kind of thing I am hoping to do with my Pulp project - funnily enough, I just said in an email to a gaming mate, I could probably adapt Frostgrave to use for the Pulp games!

    1. The D20 mechanism works really well for taking on multiple bad guys and surviving against the odds :-)

  2. Great terrain, figures and AAR. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Thanks John, thanks for stopping by.

  3. Very interesting gaming, Stu. Awesome terrain and figures too.

    1. Thanks Dean a lot of fun, it certainly captured the Hollywood hero type experience and all before lunchtime :-)
