
Saturday, November 05, 2022

Westwind & Battle Honours Japanese - No figure left behind.

A minor distraction..... I really should be focusing on the Western Desert, but with the re-org of the Pacific forces to fit Bolt Action, I thought I would get these completed as they were hiding in one of the storage boxes. It's amazing how quickly you can turn these out when a gaming is looming.....

First up the last of the Japanese, a collection of a few infantry and other odds and end, mostly Westwind's Berlin or Bust Range, with a couple of old Battle Honours for good measure.

Another Officer and/or Forward Observer.

A couple of First Aiders..... They were unarmed so why not sling on an armband.

Two Japanese Infantry pushing an invisible donkey, I am pretty sure I used it in another project, they might be drafted into an Infantry section, but given the choice between painted or discarded no mini is left behind. 

A glimpse of what is entering the paint table - a hard working pair of US Marines, humping a .50 Cal to the front.

A slight detour now back to Vichy France.


  1. Lovely work Stu and I loved the invisible donkey bit, which made me chuckle!

  2. Nice work indeed Stu and every little helps - you could always "buy in" a replacement pack animal, I suppose?

    1. I guess I might just have to dive into the various boxes in storage. ;-)
